
From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 12:58, 24 March 2015 by Convair880 (talk | contribs) (Updated the health implant description.)
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Implants are subdermal devices injected into a player using an implanter. They can also be removed surgically - please refer to Doctoring for more information.

Science/Medical Implants

Machine Translator

Allows humans to communicate on the secure frequency used by the AI and cyborgs by adding :s before their speech. Good for clandestine communication with a subverted AI, or keeping in touch when regular radios fail.


The coordinates of anyone implanted will appear on a space GPS, and their name will show up on the list of destinations for the teleport computer, allowing people to teleport right on top of you. Available on the bridge and telescience.


Monitors the implantee's health and replaces the default health indicator with a more detailed readout. The implant also updates their medical record in real time, which can be accessed with a medical computer or the equivalent PDA program.

Traitor Implants


See Syndicate Items.

Microbomb and Macrobomb

See Syndicate Items.


See Syndicate Items.

Deluxe Mindslave

See Syndicate Items.

Mindslave 2.0

See Spy.

Discontinued Implants


Prevented you from becoming a revolutionary. Revolution isn't a regular game mode anymore, so these implants can no longer be found on the station.


Tasers used to backfire on you unless you had one of these. Security implants were eventually scrapped along with implant locks. Freedom implants also let you use tasers, but because they had another use, they still exist.

Blood Monitor

If the implantee died, the blood monitor was supposed to alert the medical staff by updating their medical record. These were nigh-useless, as no one ever checked said records. Superseded by health implants.

Objects and Items
by Department
Box2.png General · MopNew.png Janitor · Glovesy.png Engineering · PowerPickV2.png Mining · DefibrillatorV2-32x32.png Medical · PortASci.png Science · Handcuffs.png Security
Machinery MiniPutt.png Pods · ClownCar.png Vehicles · ThinkDOSPCV2-32x32.gif Computers · Fabricator.png Fabricators & Manufacturers · GenericPDAV3-32x32.png PDAs · Implanter2.png Implants
Clothing JumpsuitRanks.gif Clothing
Catering WateringCanV2-32x32.png Plants & Hydro Equipment · THE MONSTER V2.png Foods & Drinks
Weapons CyalumeSaberV4.gif Syndicate Items · RevolverV2.png Guns · ChemGrenadeCompleteV2.png Grenades · TransferTankValveBomb.png Bombs