Head of Personnel
The Head of Personnel is Master Blaster to the Captain's Tina Turner: you basically run Bartertown. While the Captain is busy getting drunk, inciting the Security team to mutiny against his shitty supercop ways, getting shot in the face by mutant commie traitors, or huffing incredibly dangerous chemicals with the Research Director, the Head of Personnel has to actually deal with the crew itself and keep things running smoothly. In practice, Heads of Personnel are usually about as useless as the Captain is, except they love to pull vanishing acts and have to at least put on a show of doing their job for a while or the crew will hunt them down and kill them to loot their body.
The Head of Personnel's one major job is to sit in either Customs or the Bridge's checkpoint and change IDs for people who ask. The first thing HoPs should do is immediately make a new card for themselves with all access, possibly with a fake name/job title if they want to fuck off and disappear like HoPs always do. Most every round there'll be a handful of people who don't like the job they got and want a switch, people who want to have specific access for gimmicks or traitorous deeds, or people who just want to see what you'll give them. Your job is to weed out people you think are traitors or shitlords while fulfilling the requests you think are legitimate. This usually ends up meaning that Heads of Personnel are either complete control freaks who suddenly come down with acute bullet poisoning, laissez-faire automatons who fulfill all requests given to them and wonder why Toxins explodes ten minutes into every round they're HoP, or somewhere in the middle.
If someone wants a truly boring access like maintenance, just give it to them unless you're suspicious of them to begin with. If someone wants something extremely specific or dangerous, like wanting the Bar closet or Chemistry, ask them why they want it. If they come up with a good enough excuse, go ahead and give it to them. If they're incredibly obviously a traitor or just a moron, don't.
The other thing you'll deal with is people wanting gimmick jobs or just saying "whatever you want to give me works." Now, while you could just slap any job onto the card and be done with it, this is a fantastic opportunity to get creative and make the round more interesting. For example, why not give one guy the ID "Ghost", and the next guy the ID "Ghost Hunter"? If they're good sports they'll be chasing each other around the station for the rest of the round screaming over the radio. Get creative with the access and jobs you hand out and people will remember you.
So, it's fifteen minutes into the round and nobody else wants a job change? Now you get to make the eternal choice faced by all Heads of Personnel: fuck off somewhere where nobody will ever find you again (a practice so common it became a crew objective), become a supercop Security Officer (which will probably get you lasered to death by the Head of Security if you're an idiot, so don't do this unless you're actually experienced with Security), or pick any job on the station and do that instead of your duties until you get murdered or the station blows up.
The HoP won't be here.
Bread and Circuses
The HoP's relationship to the station is an interesting one. He/she can organize fight clubs in the singularity, dump funds into the Quartermaster for the promise of booze and monkeys, the possibilities are almost endless. As the HoP, you have the funds and access necessary to entertain the crew in a boring round, so go for it! In more pressing times, the HoP can deputize random crew members to fight off the Spy/Syndicate/Changeling/Vampire threat if members of the security team have been K.I.A. The HoP only has access to a few job-specific areas at the start of a round, but don't feel constricted! The ID computer to your right is able to change your access, meaning that you can give yourself access depending on the situation.
A traitorous HoP: Corporate Rearrangement, the bloody way
So! The Syndicates finally convinced you that you are the best man to to take care of the station, and also convinced you that your drunken moron of a Captain, and his army of ignorant thugs dubbed "Security" has to go. By any means necessary.
A traitorous HoP is one of the toughest traitors to deal with. As soon as the round beings, he can create All-Access cards for himself and his traitorous comrades, with little to no difficulty. He can make a trip to EVA to snatch up a Space Suit, and Jetpack to plot in Space, and he can grab the Security Equipment next to him with incredible ease. An HoP who knows how to harm the station, (Which all of them do)can put the crew, and ship in a world of hurt before they can even figure out how to turn the Singurlarity on.