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|Toggles WASD mode on/off
|Toggles WASD mode on/off
|Numbers 1-4
|Selects your intent: Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm respectively
|W A S D
|W A S D

Revision as of 03:29, 2 March 2014

So by this time, you've checked the Quickstart and have a basic understanding of what happens in game. But you've got more questions. Good thing you came here!

How do I speak on the radio?

Radio chatter is an essential part of the game. Joining the conversation is quite simple and mainly depends on the type of headset Nanotrasen provided you with. No special access or equipment is typically required for:

Channel Frequency Prefix Notes
General 145.9 say ;[your message]
Intercoms varies say :in [your message] You have to be within range or it won't work.
Devices with an open mic varies N/A Range may still be a factor (radio in your inventory vs. on the floor).

If you have a job-specific headset such as engineering, medical or security, one or more department-specific channels are available to you.

Channel Frequency Prefix Notes
Job-specific varies say :h All-purpose prefix for the regular version.
Command 135.8 say :h For fancy command headsets.
Robotic N/A say :s For cyborgs, the AI and people with a machine translator implant.
AI's Private Channel 144.7 N/A, tune in manually. In case PDA messaging is unavailable. The mainframe monitors 144.7 by default.

This list is not complete. If in doubt, simply examine your earpiece by right-clicking on it to get an overview of all supported frequencies.

I'm a traitor (or other antagonist), what do I do?

Remember that your objectives are just a suggestion. You can complete them if you want but it's fine to ignore your objectives completely and just murder people if you wish. However, it's probably best to adminhelp if you don't intend to do anything traitorous at all so that a new traitor can be appointed.

How do I open containers?

There are a few ways:

  • Handheld containers: Drag the sprite to your character sprite. As mentioned further down, this is also how you loot other characters.
  • Lockers and crates: Open and close by clicking on them. Standing on top of a locker while closing it will put you inside.
  • Cigarette packs and pill bottles: Hold the item in one hand, click it with your other (empty) hand.
  • Satchels: Special equipment that miners and botanists get. Drag an item (seed, fruit or ore) onto it and you will start pulling all items of that type adjacent to you into the satchel. Click the satchel to dump everything in it on your tile. Click a surface to dump it out there, or a suitable machine (the mining fabricator, mainly) to fill it with the contents.
    • Crates can be filled by dragging items on top of them, much like satchels.
  • Sleepers, cryo chambers and genetic scanners accept people. Have one grabbed and click on the container to put them in, right-click it and select "Eject" to get them back out.
  • The machines in Artlab accept large artifacts. Drag the artifact to the machine to put it in, drag from the machine to an adjacent tile to pull the artifact back out. You, the machine and the artifact all have to be adjacent for this to work.

How do I loot people or put items onto them?

Drag their sprite onto yours, click the item you want to remove. To add an item to them, hold the item in your active hand and click on the slot which the item fits in.

I was arrested, how do I remove handcuffs?

Click the resist button and wait a minute or so. Other people can also remove them for you using the method in the question above.

Why am I so slow?

The game sometimes slows down massively, making you (and everyone else) move at a pace of a few tiles every half minute. If it's not that, check the following:

  • Are you wounded? That will slow you down.
  • Are you cold? That will slow you down a lot. Being cold is also often caused by being near a hull breach, and hull breaches tend to slow down the game overall.
  • Are you wearing some kind of emergency suit, or not wearing shoes? That'll do it.
  • Did you accidentally click the "walk" button?

Are there any handy shortcut buttons?

Alt + Click Examines object
Shift + Click Throws item in your active hand
Ctrl + Click Pull Object
Page Up or Middle Click Change your active hand
Page Down Uses item in active hand as if you clicked on it
Home Drops item in your active hand
Del Toggle throw mode
Ctrl + Up and Ctrl + Down Scroll through command history
End Walk southwest. No, you can't walk in the other three diagonal directions. Deal with it.

Cyborg/AI only

Ctrl + Click Open closed doors / Close open doors
Shift + Click Bolt/Unbolt door
Numbers 1-3 Selects your modules respectively
Number 4 Deselects your active module

WASD mode

Tab Toggles WASD mode on/off
Numbers 1-4 Selects your intent: Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm respectively
W A S D Move up, left, down and right respectively
Z Walk southwest
E Switch your active hand
C Uses item in active hand as if you clicked on it
T Talk
G Switches your keyboard input's focus to the command bar
X Toggle throw mode
Q Drop item in active hand
F Fart



What happens after I die?

There's a chance you'll be revived if someone finds your body and drags it to the medbay before the chef finds it. In the meantime, you can type observe to keep your camera focused on one specific player or ghost to spectate the station freely.

See ghost for details.

What do I do if my question isn't answered here?

Use the mentorhelp command in game. Mentors are community volunteers who know a lot and are happy to share their knowledge. If you run across a question in game, you can always use the mentorhelp command, and if a mentor or admin is on you can expect a quick and efficient answer. Mentorhelps also show up in the admin IRC so it's worth asking even if there are no mentors online, as someone might see it and answer.

Do not discuss anything identifying (such as your name or where you are) with your mentor. This is considered metagaming and is frowned upon. Acting on information about the current round gained via mentorhelp (such as the identity of antagonists) is not allowed.

For more details, see Mentorhelp.