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Name Attention Mugshot Description
Joker Low
Appearance: Pretty much the entire goon population.

Crime: Breaking into places, eating security donuts. Sometimes both at the same time. Tripping people up, severely hurting themselves in the process.

Notes: Some people may not like individuals in their workspace, such as barman or HoP. Be sure to mediate.

Asshole Medium
Appearance: Often take the appearance of an idiot

Crime: Taking shit a step too far. Constantly harassing individuals. Being rude when told to stop.

Notes: Certain assholes might actually be a miscreant or a Traitor

Shit Sec Medium
Appearance: Looks like alot like you

Crime: Treating prisoners like animals. Being a bloodthirsty nutjob. Basically acting like Hitler.

Rogue Silicons Medium
Appearance: Takes shape in a once friendly metallic buddies, or the ominous AI

Crime: Not following their laws, murdering, bolting and shocking doors, calling you fleshling repeatedly.

Notes: Just like humans, try to use non lethal force, rogue AIs and borgs can be fixed by resetting their laws. This does not apply to emagged borgs or Syndicate robots!

Vigilante High
Appearance: Covered in the blood of innocents, boasting about how they murdered someone.

Crime: Non-antagonists outright murdering others they suspect to be antagonist, often stealing sec items and hurting innocents in the process. More than likely abusing stolen traitor gear.

Notes: While killing antagonists isn't against the rules, vigilantes are hated amongst the community. It's often hard to distinguish between who's a traitor and who's a non traitor just abusing traitor gear. Use your head when dealing with these assholes!

Notes: Weed shit security out asap. One bad egg spoils the bunch.

Traitor Medium
Appearance: Frequently well disguised, a dead give-away is their nefarious tools

Crime: Murder. Arson. Grievous bodily harm. You name it, they've done it.

Notes: It's not particularly necessary to always murder a traitor, especially if they're just goofing around. Be creative with your punishments.

Vampire High
Appearance: More than likely invisible and lurking in the dark with their bats.

Crime: Biting. Noise Pollution with their screams. Spreading rabies with their pet bats.

Notes: Vampires weaknesses are strong lights, holy water and space (even if they're shielding themselves from the cold!) A vampire can and will resist one of your first stuns you inflict.

Wraith High
Appearance: TBD

Crime: TBD

Notes: TBD

Wizard High
Appearance: Comes in blue, red and black, but always with a white archaic beard. Smells like moth balls and urine.

Crime: Flinging spells. Conjuring mayhem. Being hipster.

Notes: Wizards are a mixed bag. Be sure to study what spells they are using before making the assault. Wizards are just wrinkly dorks without their robes, and severely weakened if you manage to disarm them!

Changeling Very High
Appearance: So deadly as they can look like anyone, but their twisted fleshy abomination form makes no mistake what they are.

Crime: Making husks. Making people hallucinate dragons and monkeys. Looking ugly as heck.

Notes: Do not go alone when fighting a changeling. They thrive in 1-on-1 fights. They're susceptible to fire. Unless you're armed to the teeth and have a death-wish, it's advised to run against an abomination. They are weakened when returning back to their human state.

Blob Very High
Appearance: TBD

Crime: TBD

Notes: TBD

Nuclear Operative Very High
Appearance: Have a very obvious name, stating their affiliation. Often sporting red. May be holding a disk depending how shit the captain is.

Crime: Blowing up absolutely everything you can imagine to hell and back, including the entire station.

Notes: Protect the disk. Arm yourselves as much as you can. Some might consider arresting an operative valiant, others a stupid affair.

Other Threats ???
Appearance: Gangsters, Zombies, Werewolves, Predators or Critters to name but a few.

Crime: All of (or none of) the above

Notes: Threats don't have to be actual players. NPCs such as critters can just be equally bad. And asteroids. And kudzu. Don't forget: In space, nobody can hear you scream.