
From Space Station 13 Wiki
< User:Studenterhue
Revision as of 22:12, 15 June 2020 by Studenterhue (talk | contribs) (→‎Understanding the Rules: Condense this down, try not to be so angry, add summary)
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Summary: Make sure you're on Windows and your Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge and graphics drivers are up to date. Download The BYOND client and register a BYOND account.

  • The BYOND client - SS13 is hosted through BYOND, a primitive and admittingly rather sketchy-looking game suite from the 1990s and 2000s. It doesn't matter whether you choose to download of the .exe or the .zip; both give you the same client, compiler, and server software, though the .exe will allow you to join servers via byond:// links on the web.
    • Since this is Goonstation, make sure you've the Beta version listed on the Main Page.
  • A BYOND account - While some games on BYOND allow you to join as a Guest, without having register, SS13 in general and the Goonstation version in particular don't. If you try to log in on a Goonstation server without an account, you'll get a "connection closed" error.
  • Windows - The BYOND client only runs on Windows, though it is possible to run it on VMWare, WINE, and VirtualBox. This is because...
  • Internet Explorer 11+ or Equivalent - BYOND uses Internet Explorer for some of the HTML popups, among other things. Is that stupid? Yes, yes it is. Is it something we just have to deal with for now? Yes, yes it is.
  • DirectX 11+/Updated Graphics Drivers - SS13's graphics are far from cutting edge, but in order for lighting and other things to look the way it should, you need updated graphics drivers. Otherwise, it'll look something like this.

Aside from that, there aren't any hardware requirements. For clients, there's no minimum CPU bus speed, ram size, etc.

Understanding the Rules

Summary: Read the General Game Rules. If you're on the Roleplay server, read the RP Rules too.

Please, read the Rules! Our rules are different from most other servers' and communities', so please take the time go through them. You should at least go through the General Game Rules. You don't have to read the Roleplay Server ones if you're not playing on the Roleplay server.

You should really read the Rules page yourself, but let's go over the most important rules.

  • "Rule 4: Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'":
    • This is a lot broader than other versions of "no bigotry" rules because all slurs and other forms are forbidden, regardless of context, intent, or identity of the person saying it. This also includes using "gay" as an insult/pejorative or saying "retarded". Swears are fine, because they're directed towards things people can actually change.
    • Likewise, some people interpret this to just mean "no erotic roleplay", but it's a lot wider than that. References to genitalia and sexual acts are also prohibited, so just as you shouldn't ask people to have sex with you, you also shouldn't call someone's dick small or ask if they just ejaculated cum. As a wiseperson as once said, calling people dicks is fine, talking about your dick is not.
  • "Rule 1: Don't grief." The actual Rules and Grief page explain what this rule means more thoroughly, but basically, if it's something that would get you in trouble in real life, like attacking someone with a crowbar for no reason or murdering someone who accidentally wanders into your workplace, it'll get you in trouble in-game too.

Fortunately, the Goonstation administration team usually tends to be lenient. When handling a new person like you breaking the rules, an admin will usually try to talk to you through AdminPMs. Be honest, respectful, and willing to take responsibility for your deeds and change, and things'll go well. You won't get banned just for your first offense; bans are only used if you're a repeat offender or if you log off before the Admins can talk to you, in which case you can go to the forums to explain yourself and show repentance.

If you have any questions about the rules while you're in-game, press F1 to fill out an Adminhelp, a request to the Adminstrators who run Goonstation and manage its players.

Connecting to a Server

Which Server Do I Connect to?

  • Goonstation Roleplay
  • Goonstation

Setting Up

Character Preferences

Declaring Ready

Which Job Should I Join As?

Controls & Inventory

A Learning Exercise


Common Scenarios


Hull Breach

You might notice a low O2 warning pop up in your HUD, indicating you're currently lacking oxygen. Sometimes, this is because some of disease or poison preventing you from breathing, but more often, it's because some part of the area you're in has been exposed to space/the ocean and has lost air. In these situations, to breathe, you must have what are called internals, which consist of:

  • A breath mask Breathmask.png or gas mask Gasmask.png/Egasmask.png.
    • Everyone starts with a breath mask in a box in their backpack. To take it out:
      1. Click on your backpack Backpack2.png to open up its inventory.
      2. Click on the box's sprite Box2.png to put it in your hand.
      3. Click on the box Box2.png to access its inventory.
      4. Click on the hand slot that doesn't have the box to switch to the other hand.
      5. Click on the breath mask Breathmask.png to put it in your hand.
    • Gas masks Gasmask.png/Egasmask.png are found in various closets scattered about maintenance tunnels, dark areas with unadorned floors and accessible via doors labelled "maintenance access".
  • Some sort of tank of air or oxygen, frequently in form of an emergency oxygen tank EmergencyOxygenTank.png, gas tank (oxygen) O2tank.png, or gas tank (air mix) AirMixTank.png.
    • If you're lucky, you might have an emergency oxygen tank EmergencyOxygenTank.png in your box Box2.png. You can extract from the box in the same way you extracted the breath mask.
      • Look in the Arrivals area for any closets, mini-closests, etc. that might have oxygen tanks.
      • If you're lucky, someone might have opened EVA, in which case you can simply walk up to the tank dispenser Tankdispenser.png, click on it to open up its interface, click on the "Dispense" link right of the part that says "Oxygen", and then click on the oxygen tank O2tank.png to pick it up.
    • If you have access to maintenance areas (that is, you can go through doors marked "maintenance access"), you can find air tanks in emergency oxygen closets EmergencyOxygenCloset.png. Goonstation's version of maintenance is, thankfully, much less confusing than codebases, but you can still get lost if you're new.

Just having this won't keep from suffocating. To configure your internals to start supplying air to you:

  1. Equip your breath mask Breathmask.png or gas mask Gasmask.png/Egasmask.png by clicking on the mask slot MaskSlot.png while the mask is in your active hand. The exact appearance depends on your HUD style, but each style uses a fairly similar icon.
  2. Make sure you're, at the very least, holding your air tank EmergencyOxygenTank.png O2tank.png one of your hands.
  3. Turn on the Toggle Tank Valve [name of air tank] button AirOff.png in the top right. If you've set up your mask correctly, it should change from AirOff.png to AirOn.png Again, exact appearance depends on your HUD style choice, but the icon is always either in the top left or middle right.

