Technical Trainee

From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 16:03, 1 October 2021 by Zonespace (talk | contribs) (Updates Technical Assistant to reflect its reintroduction)
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A Technical Assistant is a non-specialized Engineering-department employee who presumably failed to get their technical degree but were nonetheless tasked with assisting Engineering personnel with their work. They occupy a very low place on the official and de facto hierarchies of the station for their lack of access (same as a Staff Assistant) and a proper job. Despite being tasked with assisting technical personnel, they will have to ask the AI to enter sensitive areas such as Engineering proper. Technical Assistants, like Staff Assistants, have Tech Storage access, which has a flash in it. This means this species of Assistant can get a fairly nice weapon to begin with, presuming it's not taken yet.

Crew Objectives

When they are loyal crew members, Technical Assistants got optional objectives to entertain themselves while waiting for something to happen. They could expect the following objectives, which might look familiar:

Make sure that you are wearing your own butt on your head when the escape shuttle leaves.

Pretty self-explanatory, you can ask a bored surgeon to cut it off, then you can put it on your head.

Escape on the shuttle alive wearing at least one piece of mailman clothing.

Mailman clothing isn't always easy to come by, it can usually be found somewhere along Belt Hell.

Escape on the shuttle alive with a non-assistant ID registered to you.

You can get a job change from the Head of Personnel pretty easily, just make sure it's not any sort of assistant job.

Get your grubby hands on a spacesuit.

It just needs to be the suit, so you can most likely just ask the AI to let you into Engineering's space suit storage to grab one.


Sadly, the shuttle containing this shift's technical and medical assistants crashed. Into the moon. Forever.

To make up for their deficit, the Staff Assistant got their objectives and access to Tech Storage.

A Shocking Renewal

On September 24th, 2021, Technical Assistants got rehired as a Latejoin job, along with the Head Surgeon, Research Assistant, and Medical Assistant.