Nightshade Rules

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TomatoV3.png These are rules specific to the Nightshade servers. KillerTomatoV2Animated.gif
ClownNew64.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em! HeadOfSecurityHatless-64x64.png

This is an unofficial copy of the Nightshade Rules. The Nightshade servers are event servers for Tomato's SS13 streams. Players must be subscribed to Tomato's Twitch channel and be in his Discord to be whitelisted; further instructions can be found there.

Notice to Goonstation Regulars: Bad behavior on the Nightshade servers is not tolerated. You are expected to set a good example for new players and Tomato's community. Being a poor sport, treating other players with disrespect, and otherwise breaking the rules may result in you being banned from playing on the Nightshade servers, and may result in further discipline on main Goonstation servers.

General Rules

Please read the General Game Rules first. The General Game Rules apply to our servers and you must follow them.

Nightshade uses different Roleplay/Discord rules, listed below.

Nightshade Server Rules

Medium-Rare RP required

Think of this as lite RP. You need to play a character that makes sense and in general acts like they want to keep their job. You can be silly, but don't go overboard. Your character should have believable motives and not just be an unhinged psychopath. No causing harm without valid reason, no extreme criminal activity. Be respectful of the other players.

Stick to your job (mostly)

Stay in your lane. If you didn't get the doctor position, then you shouldn't be treating yourself or others around you unless you genuinely have no other choice. Let the doctors in the round do it. People chose their jobs for a reason, they want to do them, so you do your job and let other players do theirs.

Respect authority

Some of the positions in the game are going to be above you. They can fire you, yell at you, and punish/arrest you if you're misbehaving or generally not doing your job. Respect that. It's part of the game. (And if you ARE in one of these positions of authority, you are expected to do your job and try to keep the people in line to an extent.)

Antagonist Etiquette

Being a silly little villain is fun, so long as you aren't a dick about it. Don't use your role as an excuse to be a jerk and ruin the game for everyone else. Cause shenanigans in a way that's fun for everyone. Your objectives are just guidelines, and if you have something more fun in mind feel free to do that instead. You are not allowed to just go on a killing spree and murder everyone you see. That isn't fun.

It's security's job to stop antagonists. Not security? Then do not go out of your way to hunt down antagonists. You may defend yourself, but you are not a vigilante. Leave it to security. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.

Remember to RP. Don't be a jerk to the antagonist just because. There should be RP from both ends. A good villain makes a round fun, so be nice. :)

New Life Rule

If you are brought back to life in game, you do not remember your last life. Do not go seek revenge on whoever/whatever killed you. You don't remember it, just let it go. If you are mindhacked and that wears off, then you DO remember your actions.

AI Laws

Please refrain from altering AI laws as a means to power-game as a non-antagonist. Preemptively entering a law as Captain that states "I am always considered the captain and am always human" is a no-go. Adding fun laws that give the AI something to do as a non-antag is one thing (like ordering the AI to throw a birthday party for a crew member) but remember that these will be under very careful scrutiny, so if you're wondering if a law is going to be received well by the server, assume it won't be. I don't want to see gratuitous rules that serve no purpose, such as "Rule 4: [Insert meme here] is VERY FUNNY. LOL"

Tomato Discord Chat Rules

Do not talk about current rounds in the discord. You may only discuss a round after it has ended. If you have questions, use the Mentor button to ask a mentor. (F3)

Server Rules
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