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<em>This is a direct copy of the ingame RP Rules verb. Please adminhelp any questions you might have with these rules. Note that these rules only affect the RP servers.</em>
<em>This is a direct copy of the ingame RP Rules verb. Please adminhelp any questions you might have with these rules. Note that these rules only affect the RP servers.</em>
=== This list is not exhaustive. Don't use it as an excuse to be shitty if its not on here. [[Rules|All goonstation players must follow these rules as well.]] ===
=== This list is not exhaustive. Don't use it as an excuse to be shitty if its not on here. [[Rules|All Goonstation players must follow these rules as well.]] ===
<center><h2>Goonstation RP Server Guidelines and Rules</h2></center>
<center><h2>Goonstation RP Server Guidelines and Rules</h2></center>
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However, due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. '''If you disagree with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.'''
<onlyinclude>The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. Therefore, make very sure that you follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. '''If you disagree with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.'''
#'''These are extra rules.'''The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
#'''Make an effort to roleplay.''' Play a coherent, believable character. Playing a violent or racist character is not allowed. Play your character as though they wish to keep their job at Nanotrasen. This includes listening to security and the chain of command and, if you are a member of command, taking your job as a leader seriously in-character. Only minor crime is permitted for non-antagonists. Avoid memes (e.g. sus, pog, amogus), txt spk (e.g. lol, wtf), and out of game terminology when you are playing your character. LOOC is available if you need to communicate out of character. In addition, if you notice a character who is Afk/disconnected, please do not attack or mess with them beyond taking them to cryo.
#'''We're all here to have a good time.''' Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
#'''Escalate through roleplay before attacking other players.''' The goal of the roleplay server is character interaction and interesting scenarios. Both crew and antagonists are expected to roleplay escalation before engaging in hostilities. As an antagonist, your goal is to increase, not decrease, roleplay opportunities. Give people a sense of dread, an obvious motive, or some means of roleplaying and reacting, before you harm them. As security, your priority is the crew’s safety and maintaining the peace. You should treat criminals fairly and determine appropriate consequences for their actions. Enemies to Nanotrasen such as confirmed non-human antagonists and open syndicate members may be treated harshly.
#'''Keep IC and OOC separate.''' Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character) events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like ((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
#'''After you’ve selected a job, be sure to stay in your lane.''' While you are capable of doing anything within the game mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task first. As an example, breaking into medical and treating yourself when there are medical staff present is not okay. Choosing captain just to go and work the genetics machine all round is not acceptable.
#'''Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be aware of just to give yourself an advantage.''' In other words, don’t powergame or metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics. Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
#'''As an antagonist you are free to kill and grief, provided you escalate per rule 2.''' You are not required to be evil, but you do have a broad toolset to push the round forward and make things exciting. Treat your role as an interesting challenge and not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experiences. Your objectives do not allow you to ignore any rule, RP or otherwise. As an antagonist, you are not protected against being murdered or griefed, but it is expected that the crew roleplays and does not kill you just for the sake of killing an antagonist.
#'''Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying.''' Real life realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal activity is permitted.
#'''Do not use out of game information in game.''' Only use in-game information; the things your character can perceive or could know. While we have no hard rule on what a character can and cannot know, be reasonable about your character’s knowledge and capabilities. Do not call out antagonists based on information that is only obvious as a player. For example, the drowsiness effects on your screen are not a good in-character basis to call out a changeling. The debris and adventure zones are for enhancing roleplay. Rushing through them for the sake of items alone is prohibited. It is reasonable for the crew to assume people with syndicate gear such as red space suits are antagonists. Anything learned as a ghost is considered OOC knowledge.
#'''Chain of command and security are important.''' The head of your department is your boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.  
#'''Be kind to other players.''' Be respectful and considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. Do not use LOOC or other means of communication to put down other players or accuse them of rulebreaking. If your problem with another player extends to rulebreaking, press F1 to contact the admins. It is your responsibility to respect the boundaries of others when you RP. If you feel uncomfortable, or worry that people are uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to use LOOC to communicate. Furthermore, do not advantage your friends in game or exclude others from roleplaying opportunities without good cause.
#'''Stay in your lane.''' While you are capable of doing anything within the game mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics machine all round is not acceptable.  
#'''These rules are extra rules for the roleplay server.''' The core rules still apply to the roleplay server. Do not argue with the administration about the RP rules or core rules.
#'''Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life.''' Putting someone into critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
#'''Look out for everyone.''' Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if the clown agreed to being murdered.
#'''Have you been made an antagonist?''' Treat your role as an interesting challenge and not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat your objectives as  suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience of everyone that matters, not just your own.
#'''It is security’s job to stop antagonists.''' If you are not part of the security team (HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.  
#'''Be kind to the bad guys.''' Because antagonists are often the primary driver for rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them. Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.

Latest revision as of 19:13, 8 July 2024

ClownNew64.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em! HeadOfSecurityHatless-64x64.png

This is a direct copy of the ingame RP Rules verb. Please adminhelp any questions you might have with these rules. Note that these rules only affect the RP servers.

This list is not exhaustive. Don't use it as an excuse to be shitty if its not on here. All Goonstation players must follow these rules as well.

Goonstation RP Server Guidelines and Rules

The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. Therefore, make very sure that you follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

  1. Make an effort to roleplay. Play a coherent, believable character. Playing a violent or racist character is not allowed. Play your character as though they wish to keep their job at Nanotrasen. This includes listening to security and the chain of command and, if you are a member of command, taking your job as a leader seriously in-character. Only minor crime is permitted for non-antagonists. Avoid memes (e.g. sus, pog, amogus), txt spk (e.g. lol, wtf), and out of game terminology when you are playing your character. LOOC is available if you need to communicate out of character. In addition, if you notice a character who is Afk/disconnected, please do not attack or mess with them beyond taking them to cryo.
  2. Escalate through roleplay before attacking other players. The goal of the roleplay server is character interaction and interesting scenarios. Both crew and antagonists are expected to roleplay escalation before engaging in hostilities. As an antagonist, your goal is to increase, not decrease, roleplay opportunities. Give people a sense of dread, an obvious motive, or some means of roleplaying and reacting, before you harm them. As security, your priority is the crew’s safety and maintaining the peace. You should treat criminals fairly and determine appropriate consequences for their actions. Enemies to Nanotrasen such as confirmed non-human antagonists and open syndicate members may be treated harshly.
  3. After you’ve selected a job, be sure to stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task first. As an example, breaking into medical and treating yourself when there are medical staff present is not okay. Choosing captain just to go and work the genetics machine all round is not acceptable.
  4. As an antagonist you are free to kill and grief, provided you escalate per rule 2. You are not required to be evil, but you do have a broad toolset to push the round forward and make things exciting. Treat your role as an interesting challenge and not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experiences. Your objectives do not allow you to ignore any rule, RP or otherwise. As an antagonist, you are not protected against being murdered or griefed, but it is expected that the crew roleplays and does not kill you just for the sake of killing an antagonist.
  5. Do not use out of game information in game. Only use in-game information; the things your character can perceive or could know. While we have no hard rule on what a character can and cannot know, be reasonable about your character’s knowledge and capabilities. Do not call out antagonists based on information that is only obvious as a player. For example, the drowsiness effects on your screen are not a good in-character basis to call out a changeling. The debris and adventure zones are for enhancing roleplay. Rushing through them for the sake of items alone is prohibited. It is reasonable for the crew to assume people with syndicate gear such as red space suits are antagonists. Anything learned as a ghost is considered OOC knowledge.
  6. Be kind to other players. Be respectful and considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. Do not use LOOC or other means of communication to put down other players or accuse them of rulebreaking. If your problem with another player extends to rulebreaking, press F1 to contact the admins. It is your responsibility to respect the boundaries of others when you RP. If you feel uncomfortable, or worry that people are uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to use LOOC to communicate. Furthermore, do not advantage your friends in game or exclude others from roleplaying opportunities without good cause.
  7. These rules are extra rules for the roleplay server. The core rules still apply to the roleplay server. Do not argue with the administration about the RP rules or core rules.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · HoS Guidelines · Metagaming · Grief · Mindhack Rules · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws