User:ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario/Donut 3 Mapping

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Donut 3 Mapping


ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario/Donut 3 Mapping

Donut3 Security full image.PNG

Donut storage.


Head of Security, Security Officer, Detective, Lawyer

The massive Security wing is located all across the west wing of the ship. This is where space law is both kept and broken and where many a traitor does not hope to end up at. Many areas exist here for the glorious protectors of Donut 3.

Room Picture Description
Security Office Donut3SecurityOfficeArea.PNG A main hub for both lawmakers and lawbreakers alike. The room includes one massive donut-shaped table with a few rechargers and a few other random security-related doodads. Additionally, multiple security machines lie in the northwest part of the office including a SecTech, a wanted poster station, a Security Camera Viewer and a security records computer are all present, allowing a Security Assistant or any other able-bodied desk officer to multitask up to 4 computers at once without even moving their seat.
Brig Donut3BrigArea.PNG Where all those people who fall under the wrong side of the law go. Located to the north of main security, peer at the evildoers who have committed heinous villainy.

Solitary Donut3SolitaryCell.PNG For those whose punishment isn't great enough in the brig. Donut 3's solitary is directly next to the main Security Office area, making it easy to keep an eye on your troublesome troublemaker.
Security Officer Quarters Donut3SecuritySleepingQuarters.PNG Who ever said that the law never sleeps? This is where you'll usually begin your shift in security if you're an officer of the law. There's not a whole lot here but there is a vending machine along with a TV to watch daily station business go about while eating your favorite Discount Dan's product, along with a few crates. One contains a variety of first aid kits and the other contains a box of crowbars, for some reason.
Security Equipment Room Donut3 Security equipment area.PNG The security equipment room, also known as the locker room, is the main area where you'll be outfitted for your shift. Located just a bit south of the main office area, it contains a whole bunch of stuff including but not limited to a few portable flashers, a security weapons vendor, some riot launchers, a recharger, a taser recharge rack and a few security lockers in case someone ends up losing their gear for some reason.
Interrogation Room Donut3InterrogationArea.PNG The interrogation room, an excellent environment to draw out that confession from a crimer. Located directly across from the Security Equipment Room.
Security Pod Bay Donut3SecurityPodBay.PNG Security's pod bay, a pod bay for security pods. In it contains a few security pods to chase evildoers into space, along with a few bottles of champagne to name your pod something like "CRIMESTOPPER-9999".
Head of Security's Office Donut3HeadofSecurityOffice.PNG The expansive office of the Head of Security, containing all the luxuries of a man befitting of the position. Your office is located to the direct northwest of sec, with the entrance being right next to your armory. In it, you have a small desk space to conduct important meetings with an announcement computer and personal record cabinet. In the back you have both a personal security computer and security camera viewer along with your locker and beloved spaghetti. Finally, you have your own personal bathroom including your beloved rubber ducky along with a bath and shower to conduct important business from within. Squeak that ducky, you earned it pal.
Armory Donut3ArmoryArea.PNG Guns, tranquilizers, and more. Located directly north from the main security area and contains quite the specialized arsenal for a variety of problems.


ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario/Donut 3 Mapping


HOS's Slighty-Oversized Toy Chest


Default: Head of Security
When authorized: Captain, Head of Personnel, Security Officer, Detective, Vice Officer, Lawyer

This area is none other then the HOS' castle keep, the mighty and powerful Armory. Well fortified by 6 exterior turrets and 1 interior turret, the special goods inside are hard to access without the proper access or tools required to do so. This mighty room is located at the northern section of security, adjacent to the HOS' office and right next to the brig.

By default, only the Head of Security can enter this room and use its contents. In times of great need, they or three Security personnel with Security Equipment access (e.g. Security Officer, Captain, but not Detective) can use the armory authorization computer to allow all Security personnel entry into this room and access to its AmmoTech and all its lockers and crates. Those with an EMAG don't have to worry about such restrictions.

Going counterclockwise from top left, this room contains many a special item, such as:

  • The armory AmmoTech for acquiring ammunition for the security riot shotguns along with additional kinetic ammo for a variety of guns.
  • Not only one, but two special equipment lockers allowing you to outfit four more security officers to suppress riots or whatever your needs may be across the station.
  • A full reserve tank of N2O, meant for pacifying anyone outside the armory such as in riots.
  • An "Anti-Biological Crate", containing two flamethrowers and two flare gun boxes, perfect for biological threats.
  • An "Special Grenades Crate", containing
    • An "experimental grenade box" with 3 incendiary grenades and 1 high-range version for murdering blob tiles, plus three cryo grenades for antics and tomfoolery (Don't worry, they're non-lethal).
    • Two security issue grenade boxes, loaded with various fuck-off grenades, namely two crowd dispersal grenades, two smoke grenades, one stinger grenade, one flashbang, and one shock grenade.
    • A non-lethal landmine box containing 5 stun mines which erupt in a 2x2 basis and do about a nine second stun.
  • An oxygen canister, presumably for topping off security's oxygen tanks for space travel. Why's it in the armory, though?
  • Four pairs of optical thermal scanners, for catching a foe you normally can't see.
  • Two rechargers on the wall.
  • Two pairs of riot helmets and armor for REAL tough foes, with a few gas masks to go alongside it.
  • Two pairs of bomb disposal suits that help you survive massive explosions.
  • A canister of N2O, for when you need to take the pacification gas on the go.
  • A "pod weapons crate" with two Laser arrays, two disruptors and two pod-seeking shells, for combatting hostile pods.
  • A "phaser crate" with four phasers.
  • A reserve tank of air, used for topping off security's air in case of hull breach.
  • A special chute that leads right outside of security, allowing you to make a quick escape.
  • An emergency alcohol dispenser and accompanying glasses near the rechargers, in cases of which all else has failed.
  • Four crowd dispersal grenades with accompanying gas masks. Not for seasoning pasta.
  • Three muzzles and straight jackets for those sentenced to the Asylum and syringes of Chemicals#Haloperidol for subduing those individuals for the journey.
  • Two Tranquilizer guns with 4 packs of both haloperidol ammunition and mutadone ammunition.
  • Two airlock breaching hammers and three Breaching charges for when you need to get into somewhere you can't normally.
  • Finally, a shotgun rack and pulse rifle rack for keeping foes far away.

Maintenance Information

There is no vent. The APC for this room is on the eastern wall, right above the oxygen tank.