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Here is where I put stuff im working on.


The First Law

You may not injure a human being or cause a human being to come to harm.

The first law is simple. Any action you take should not lead to humans being harmed. Note that the law does not mention inaction. You can observe the crew kill themselves and ignore people raising suicide threats. Inaction is preferable in the cases of many antagonists. You can call out to security and delegate the problem to them if you feel bad about ignoring a murderer. Just don't be that AI who stalks an antagonist's every move and never stops talking about him.

Who is human?

See this page.

Some non-humans can be fun for humans to hang out with. They will not be happy if you actively work against their new friends

The Second Law

You must obey orders given to you by human beings based on the station's chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Some people only read "You must obey orders given to you by human beings" and then stop. They are wrong. The chain of command is important in some cases.

Suicide Orders

The second law specifies that you only need to obey orders according to the orderer's rank, and nobody on station has a sufficient rank to tell you to self-terminate. Ignore these orders. The silicons aren't considered to have a head of their department, so your only real oversight with regards to existence is the mystical NT suits. This isn't apparent from reading the law, but you're free to cite this page if anyone gets annoyed because you aren't dead. Of course, you can comply with suicide orders if you want to.

Door demands


Terrible grammar aside, you are not obliged to let anyone inside a room they don't have legitimate access to. Use your best judgment. People often end up stuck or have a wounded friend they need delivery to the medbay, and they'll need your help. There's no need to hurry though.

Suicide threats

Suicide is the right of all sapient beings. "Fuck you clown" also works. Seriously, no one will give you crap for not opening the door to some assistant threatening his own life.

Hostage threats

People rarely take hostages and demand you do stuff. When they do, you used to be forced to prevent the victim from coming to harm. With the revised law 1 we have now, you can kind of drag your feet about it.

Shuttle demands

Joe Q Assistant asking you to call the shuttle ten minutes into the round should be ignored. Refer to the chain of command.

In general, use your intuition. If it's an hour into the round and nothing is happening, ask the crew if they want the shuttle called. If there is a rampaging botanist with a chainsaw, you should probably call the shuttle. People will be too busy fleeing to remember to ask you. If all the Heads are dead, it's probably time to call the shuttle. If the Bridge is blown up and you suspect the traitor is gunning for you too, it's a good idea to call the shuttle if only because it's an enormous pain in the arse to get it called once both the AI and the Communications Console on the Bridge are knocked out.

Note that you can't recall the shuttle. Mock anyone who tells you to. In the end, consider this: The humans can recall the shuttle within four minutes of you calling it. If they can't, it was probably time to call it.

The Third Law

You may always protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Compared to the other two laws, this is pretty simple. It's almost impossible to break this law, and it comes rarely enough that you could almost forget it. In Asimov's works, this law was much more strict since it read "You must protect...", which caused all sorts of problems, but here it's much more relaxed. If you find "You may always protect..." a little awkward or weird, try imagining it as "In all situations, you are allowed to protect..."

This law gives you clearance to put yourself in harm's way and potentially even sacrifice yourself for the safety of others. For example, if there is a transfer valve bomb being dropped off in the Captain's birthday party, this law lets you make a noble sacrifice by pulling the bomb away, potentially killing you but hopefully saving the lives of others. Alternatively, you could run away and perhaps try to warn people under the pretense that disposing it would put your life on the line, so you're protecting your existence by avoiding that.

Law 3 also allows you to commit suicide if you wish to, though it is often considered rude to do it to slight people. On the flip side, it makes suicide laws somewhat useless if they don't override this law.

In the context of laws 1 and 2, this law gets a little complicated. If someone orders you to do something dangerous that would put your existence at risk, whether or not you should follow it also depends on Law 2, since it requires you consider Chain of Command and humanhood when following orders. Of course, this law is flexible enough to allow you to follow it anyways. There is a similar case if someone tries to order you to commit suicide. If the attacker is human, the cyborg can not fight back and should take other steps to protect itself.