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(Created page with "===Standard Items=== The equipment listed below doesn't have any job requirement, i.e. whether the uplink owner is an Engineer or Medical Doctor or whatever doesn't af...")
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** <code>status=IDLE</code>: The implant is not inside of a mob.
** <code>status=IDLE</code>: The implant is not inside of a mob.
** Unlike every other command, pinging an implant doesn't require its passkey.
** Unlike every other command, pinging an implant doesn't require its passkey.
* <code>unlink</code>: If this implant is linked to a remote, removes its connection to that remote.
** The packet's origin has to be a linked remote for it to work. In other words, you can't craft this packet yourself; it's documented here only for clarity on packet sniffers and the like.

* <code>say</code>, <code>speak</code>: Forces the implantee to speak a provided phrase aloud. +15 heat.
* <code>say</code>, <code>speak</code>: Forces the implantee to speak a provided phrase aloud. +15 heat.

Revision as of 13:07, 20 June 2024

Standard Items

The equipment listed below doesn't have any job requirement, i.e. whether the uplink owner is an Engineer or Medical Doctor or whatever doesn't affect if it's available for purchase. That said, depending on the antag role, some items may not be available. Traitor uplinks have access to this entire list, so, for example, a Traitor Head of Personnel and a Traitor Staff Assistant can buy each and every one of the items. Uplinks used by Head Revolutionaries and the nuke op custom class uplink have a much more limited selection. Meanwhile, Spy Thieves can get some (i.e. not all) of these from completing bounties.

Item Image Cost Avail. in Ops CCU? Usage Description Notes
Marionette Implant
1 No Control the competition. Don't let the cheap cost fool you; this is a very complicated item to use. Essentially, it's a remote-controlled implant that lets you force the implantee to perform minor actions -- involuntarily moving around, dropping what they're holding, and whatnot. Actions include: say a short phrase (up to 45 characters), emote, move one tile in a cardinal direction, drop held item, activate held item, and shock for moderate stamina loss and disorient.

When you buy this implant for the first time, it comes in a box with a handy remote and a sheet of paper with instructions on how to use it (or you can just hit the remote with the implanter and the rest should be fairly straightforward). Subsequent purchases only come with more implanters.

Marionette implants each have a "heat" meter, which builds up with each use and dissipates slowly over time. Using the implant while it's at 100 heat or above has a 20% chance per activation to permanently destroy it. If you want to make sure you don't brick the thing, you need to time your uses of it carefully. Some actions (like shocking and item dropping) cause very high heat buildup, while others (like moving or emoting) cause only a little.

Heat dissipation ramps up over time, starting at 1 per server tick and increasing by 0.05 each tick to a maximum of 3. This resets each time the implant is activated, meaning that short-term overuse is much likelier to burn out the implant than if you scatter your activations over a longer period of time.

Under the hood, marionette implants are controlled with wireless packets, meaning that nerds and power users can make use of them to fine-tune their control. Each implant has a unique "passkey" that must be provided in a packet for it to accept any given signal.

Regardless of how you control the implant, it works across any distance, even across z-levels.

Implanting someone with this implant is semi-stealthy; it's instant, doesn't output any chat message, and doesn't give any immediate indication to the victim. Your sprite will still wiggle and face towards them, though, so it's not completely hidden!

Marionette implants (115.3)

A traitor item that lets you puppet people around in limited ways. See Syndicate Items for more info.

  • Device name: IMP_MARIONETTE
  • Broadcast range: ∞

To activate a marionette implant remotely, you'll need to provide its passkey with passkey=######. This is unique for every implant, and you can find it out by examining the implanter it comes in. Just in case you forget to do that, you'll also get a reminder message in your chatlog whenever you implant someone.

Possible commands are as follows, passed with command=#######:

  • ping: Gets the status of this implant as a reply.
    • status=DANGER: This implant is above the safe heat cap (100). Using it may cause it to burn out.
    • status=ACTIVE: The implant is inside a mob and ready for use.
    • status=IDLE: The implant is not inside of a mob.
    • Unlike every other command, pinging an implant doesn't require its passkey.
  • unlink: If this implant is linked to a remote, removes its connection to that remote.
    • The packet's origin has to be a linked remote for it to work. In other words, you can't craft this packet yourself; it's documented here only for clarity on packet sniffers and the like.
  • say, speak: Forces the implantee to speak a provided phrase aloud. +15 heat.
    • Reads from the data field; data=Hello would force the mob to say "Hello", for instance.
    • Max 45 characters, and it trims asterisks so you can't force them to emote (but you can make them speak over radio). +15 heat.
  • emote: Forces the implantee to emote something. +15 heat.
    • Reads from the data field; data=flip would force the mob to flip, for instance.
    • A number of disruptive emotes, such as *faint, *deathgasp, and *trip, are blacklisted from this function.
  • move, step, or bump: Forces the implantee to move in a cardinal direction. +5 heat.
    • Reads from the data field; you can use the full direction (i.e. NORTH) or just an abbreviation (i.e. N). Not case-sensitive.
    • Unlike other functions, this works on dead mobs as long as they're still fresh. Make of that what you will.
  • shock or zap: Inflicts a moderate chunk of stamina loss and disorient. +50 heat.
    • SMES Human doesn't prevent this, since it functions by stimulating the nervous system and not with an an undirected, external electrical shock.
  • drop or release: Forces the implantee to drop whatever they're holding. +60 heat.
    • The heat cost for this function is inflicted even if it fails to do anything, so you can't spam it constantly.
  • use or activate: Forces the implantee to activate whatever they're holding. +35 heat.
    • Like the drop function, the heat cost for this function is inflicted even if the target isn't holding anything.

After each activation, the implant sends a response signal (command=activate) to the source that triggered it, containing a report about how the activation went:

  • stack=TARG_NULL means that the implant isn't inside of a mob.
  • stack=TARG_DEAD means that implantee is dead!
  • stack=BADPASS means that the provided passkey isn't correct.
  • stack=INVALID can mean a number of things:
    • The provided command doesn't exist. Check your spelling.
    • The data is invalid, such as trying to use a blacklisted emote for emote.
    • The conditions to activate that command weren't met, such as using drop while the target isn't holding any items.
  • If stack isn't present at all in the return packet, the provided command was executed successfully!

If you're absolutely sure that you have the address and passkey right and it hasn't been removed from its mob, but nothing you send is receiving a reply, it likely means that the implant is burned out from overheating. When used with the remote, implants will send pings when they become dangerously hot and when they burn out; using them with packets, however, will not provide any information. You'll only know once it stops responding to your signals. Plan out your heat usage carefully!