
From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 07:42, 10 July 2014 by Blakejohnson (talk | contribs) (Added a bunch of stuff, please tell me if I've gone into too much depth about the telescience areas)
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Z-Level refers to the various maps with set borders that contain the playable areas of SS13. Moving off the edge of a z-level in space will take you to one of the 2 non-station z-levels at random (including possibly looping back to the one you just left). Certain z-levels contain interesting items and gear for the adventurous space explorer.

Normal space

This is the level that all crewmembers start on. It contains the main space station, the Syndicate Teleporter and the Wizard's Den Once you have left it, this z-level is only accessible by the Mining Shuttle, pods with proper navigation technology, and by teleportation.

This level is immediately recognizable by the many asteroids, and contains the Mining Outpost, along with a surprisingly cosy diner. Miners do not spawn here, but can go via the mining shuttle if they wish. (In practice, this never happens.) The Mining Shuttle can be used to travel from the Mining Outpost to the Station Z-Level. This level can be accessed through random space exploration, or teleporting using a pod.

Debris field
The debris field is out there in deep space. Nanotrasen gave up on it, the Syndicate gave up on it, the Russians gave up on it, life gave up on it. Explorers who find themselves here should be prepared for trouble. Relatively well-known landmarks include the shattered remains of old Donut Station's engine, the mysterious Hemera 7, an abandoned yet still habitable space station, a wrecked medical ship full of derelict, malfunctioning medibots, the GLOMAR Salvager, the Soviet Derelict and more for the well-equipped space explorer. This level can be accessed through random space exploration, and in addition, has a pod navigation beacon.

Adventure Zone

Contains a bunch of interesting locations only accessible with telescience. Some places are safe and benign, some are dangerous and have a life expectancy for adventurers hovering around 0. Pack appropriately. Well-known destinations include:

  • The Biodome, an underground botanical research station with more to it than meets the eye. Features an elevator that goes up to the ground level of the research facility.
    Don't stand under the elevator when it is descending, for the love of god.
  • The Lava Moon, exactly what the name says it is, a moon covered in lava. Heat protection and internals are recommended. Don't fall into the lava, for obvious reasons.
    Features a geothermal power plant and dangerous catwalks over hot lava.
  • The Solarium, a ship very close to the sun. What secrets does it hold? Why is it here? What is that creepy robot thing that stares at the sun?
  • The Ice Moon, a very cold and inhospitable moon. Has an abandoned research station. Local wildlife is not friendly, so weapons are recommended.
  • Mars, the red planet. Or, more specifically, the remains of Mars Outpost 42. Going outside without adequate protection from Martian dust storms is almost suicidal.
    May or may not have malfunctioning robots.

Special levels

This level contains a variety of places that cannot be reached through regular means. There is Centcom, which is accessible with the escape shuttle. The Syndicate Shuttle is home to the Nuclear Operatives and can only be reached with a Syndicate Teleporter Remote.

The Void
Covered in a weird swirling energy and home to the mysterious void station. Can be accessed through random chance using Telescience.