
From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 07:58, 13 July 2023 by PowerfulXtian (talk | contribs)
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Heya, don't know how you got here. If you need something done, don't be afraid to message me (powerfulxtian), I check my DMs often!

I edit the wiki, here's the kicker. I refuse to code dive. Most of my edits are off of pure game experience. Hope y'all enjoy what I do!

Page currently working on


Gang has always been one of my favorite modes, I love the concept of an all out brawl between the crew.

Check out what's done!

The Rat Stick


  • This is one of the most common gang weapons, bleed on top of great BRUTE damage is pretty deadly, and a great weapon to use if your fighting with more gang members on your side.
    • It's actually more common in gang members than you think, consider stealing one off a rival gang member instead of wasting your own gang points.
  • Keep in mind this only does about as much stamina drain as a Fire Extinguisher, you may be better off with a good old fasioned Toolbox if you're looking to knock someone down. Great for saving gang points too!

The Throwing Knive


  • Great for knocking down someone who is trying to flee from you.
  • Remember that this will not knock with full stamina down instantly. You need to get a few hits in before throwing the knive, lest you give a free weapon to your opponent.