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< User:Studenterhue
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A game mode with a rather checkered past. Removed due to being worse balanced than the station budget. Revolution was in theory a really great gamemode that everyone on the station would get to enjoy, but it never quite would turn out as well as you would hope: the rounds would always turn out to be super chaotic, and more often than not, end up with a battlefield, with dead assistants and security officers everywhere. Since at the time 60+ player rounds were not uncommon, the revs would usually convert most of the crew and quickly kill all of the heads by swarming them. The only real defense would be to hide, which made the round drag on forever. As years passed, and server populations shrunk, and the rev nostalgia grew and grew, revolution was added back in rotation by popular demand in 2017.

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All the manner of especially illegal and/or restricted things--how to find/discover them!

Contraband Levels

The following is a mostly-comprehensive list of things the security scanners, SecHUDs, the Guardbuddies, and Beepsky and his securitron brothers all consider illegal. By no means should you use contraband rating as the sole factor in deciding to confiscate an item/arrest a person. Contraband is strictly a legal term; all contraband is dangerous, but not everything that's dangerous is contraband. Use your common sense! Sure, a man carrying a butcher's knife isn't technically carrying contraband, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done anything illegal.

Item Image Contraband Level
Most Syndicate Items Falsemustache.png 0
Flash Flash.png 0
Flare Gun FlareGun.png 2
Toy Sword CSaberNew.png 3
Syndicate Space Suit SnekSyndieSuit.png 3
Syringe Gun Syringegun.png 3
Stun Baton Stunbaton.png 4
Stun Cane StunCane.png 4
Taser Gun Taser.png 4
Amplified Vuvuzela AmpVuvuzela.png 4
Wave Gun LockedPhaser.png 4
Energy Gun Egun.png 4
Laser Gun Lasergun.png 4
Phaser Phaser.png 4
Miniature Crossbow Radbow.png 4
Disruptor Disruptor.png 4
Laser Rifle LaserRifle.png 4
Antique laser gun AntiqueLaserGun.png 4
BFG9000 BFG9000.png 4
.22 Pistol 22Pistol.png 4
.38/Detective's Revolver Detectivegun.png 4
.357 Revolver Revolver.png 4
Derringer Derringer.png 4
Tranquilizer rifle Hunting rifle.png 4
Artifact gun ArtifactGun.gif 4
Red Chainsaw RedChainsaw32.png 4
Wizard Robes WizardRobes2.gif 4
Cyalume Saber CSaberNew.png 5
Katana (unsheathed) KatanaSheathed.png 5
Riot Shotgun RiotShotgun.png 5
Flamethrower Flamethrower.png 5
Zip Gun ZipGun.png 6
Police Baton PoliceBaton.png 6
Riot Launcher GrenadeLauncher.png 7
Spacker-12 Spacker.png 7
Wrestling Belt WrestlingBelt.png 8
Old Hunting Rifle Hunting rifle.png 8
AK-744 AK-744.png 8
MPRT-7 MPRT-7.png 8

to-do: add colors shorten the contraband column add links

The Security Scanners

it checks your hands, pockets, and all your belt + backpack contents

if it finds any item with a contraband rating, that rating gets added to a total

if the item was in a pocket or container, only 1/2 of its actual contraband rating is added to the total

if the overall rating at the end is over 4, the scanner goes off and PDA messages security your name and threat level (ranging from 4 to 10)

so like you may get by a scanner with a baton in your backpack. but carrying it in hand as you pass through would set off the scanner or if you had two batons in your backpack that would set it off

Beepsky and The Securitrons

The GuardBuddies