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The Syndicate Weapon: Orion Retribution Device, or S.W.O.R.D. for short, is a boss critter that appears on the station Z-level with the initiation of the random Syndicate Retribution Event, which is a major event type. In order for the event to start, a few criteria must first be met, and there are some exclusions to when and where the S.W.O.R.D. can be summoned:

  • A Makeshift Syndicate Signaller must be created and the 8 metadata slots must all be filled, and then the signaller can call the S.W.O.R.D. to the station (this method is currently disabled for now, but exists in the code)
  • S.W.O.R.D. and the Syndicate Retribution Event can both be seen on the Classic Servers, but are not available for spawn on the RP Servers
  • S.W.O.R.D. and the Syndicate Retribution Event can only show up after a round has progressed past 40 minutes long
  • S.W.O.R.D. and the Syndicate Retribution Event can both only show up once per round
  • S.W.O.R.D. cannot appear on restricted Z-levels

Summoning S.W.O.R.D.

Though removed from the current methods of activation for the S.W.O.R.D. for players, there exists a method to summon the S.W.O.R.D. for players seeking a challenge or an additional asset to their nefarious goals with the hel of a Makeshift Syndicate Signaller. It is currently only available from admin spawn powers.

Makeshift Syndicate Signaller

File:Placeholder.png <tabs>

You will need:

To make:

  1. Attach the cable coil to the Remote Signaller. There should be a little wire hanging out the bottom of the Makeshift Signaller Frame now.
  2. Use a multitool on the Makeshift Signaller to attune to the wiring.
  3. Use a metal sheet on the Signaller to make a circuit board port.
  4. Secure everything with a wrench to create a Makeshift Syndicate Signaller.

In practice, what would happen is that one could take circuit boards like the ones dropped by fishdrones on Manta or Oshan, or destroy a non-aquatic drone in the Derbis Field to gain metadata that would make the Makeshift Syndicate Signaller usable. There would be eight metadata slots to fill, with each circuit board used or each drone destroyed granting one slot of filled metadata. Each used circuit board would produce a Fried Syndicate Circuit Board.

Those with access to an Emag can also use the Emag on the Makeshift Syndiacte Signaller to randomly fill between two and seven of the metadata slots. This can only be done once. A red light would start blinking on the Makeshif Syndicate Signaller to indicate that it is active and ready to call the S.W.O.R.D. to its location. After use, the Signaller would break.


When the event starts, a major event alert message will be sent to all players 15 seconds after it begins informing the crew of an unidentified long-range beacon near the station. Two minutes after that the S.W.O.R.D. will activate and a second alert announcement will be sent to all players on the server telling them that A Syndicate-made object is aboard the station and that the crew is to survive however possible. The S.W.O.R.D. has many attacks that deal moderate to high amounts of damage, even some with the potential for gibbing players, so organizing your crewmates and stocking up on useful medical supplies and weapons is essential. The S.W.O.R.D. is meant to be fought with the full force of the crew.

S.W.O.R.D. Abilities
