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Welcome to the future.

The other OS that exists in SS13. Different from DWAINE, and easier to use, but still not great. Operates most command-line computers outside of the Research Wing. Understanding ThinkDOS is helpful for knowing how to call the escape shuttle.

Logging In

Use the computer to bring up the prompt, then with your ID in your active hand, click on the slot next to "Card:" Then, type login.


Important Commands

cd Changes directory. cd / will return to the root directory.
dir Displays contents of current directory.
drive [hd0, fd0, sd0] Switches between hard drive, floppy disc, or secondary floppy disc (if available).
copy & paste Copies a file. ThinkDOS can only store one file in its buffer at a time.
delete or del Deletes a file.

Other Commands

rename Renames a file.
cls Clears the screen.
title Renames the current drive.
root Sets working directory to root of current drive.
user Displays user account data.
makedir Makes a new directory.
read Shows contents of a txt file.
print Prints a file if a printer module is available.
run Runs a file.
time Displays system time.

Important Programs


View and Edit Criminal Records. Really only useful if you want Beepsky to ruin someone's day. To send Beepsky on the hunt, insert a Security ID and type the following commands: Login, run secmate, record. A list of records will appear. Locate your target's record, and then type "record (the number next to his record)". Then type "field criminal_status arrest". Here is where you can also change the crew manifest listing for the AI.


For calling and recalling the Emergency shuttle. To call the shuttle, insert a Head ID and type the following commands:

  • Login,
  • ComMaster
  • link
  • call

To recall, do the same but replace "call" with "recall". If it didn't work, then the computer's connection to the comm dish has likely been severed. Recalling will also fail if the shuttle is less than 5 minutes away. If the first dish is disconnected, you can try to transmit using the other dish by linking up to it. For more detail, including the staggering number of ways this simple process can go wrong, please refer to Calling the Escape Shuttle.


View and edit medical records. Also has a function to read up on diseases (currently not implemented). Surprisingly easy to use for a ThinkDOS program, but nobody bothers anyway - the only useful data here is DNA and fingerprints, and the Detective gets his own computer with software to analyze those.

Available on Medical Computers.

Setting up a ThinkDOS Computer

First, build a heavy computer. For most functions, you will want to build it on top of a data terminal. Put in a ThinkDOS disc and login to begin using the computer. If you want use other discs, you'll have to copy ThinkDOS to your hard drive. Simply type copy ThinkDOS, drive hd0, and paste ThinkDOS. If you take out the disc and restart, the computer will boot from its hard drive now. Insert a SecMaster, COMMaster, or whatever disc to start working with that software.

Higher Functions

Do you like to wear a fedora and have strong opinions about wall scrolls? Maybe you should check out the Advanced Guide to ThinkDOS.