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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
23:02, 9 January 2021 RainbowWateringCan-32x32.gif (file) 2 KB Studenterhue A watering can inspired by rainbow weed. Not only does it have a drawing of a cannabis leaf on it, but it also changes colors, multiple at a time too. 32x32 means it's 32 pixels tall by 32 pixels wide. Good in a bullet list, especially with other 32x3... 1
22:58, 9 January 2021 WeedWateringCan-32x32.png (file) 316 bytes Studenterhue Not a watering can made out of weed or anything, a watering can with a picture of weed on it. Just think about it. In this game, you can watering weed with a watering can with a picture of weed while smoking weed. Whoa. 32x32 means it's 32 pixels tal... 1
22:50, 9 January 2021 GoldenWateringCan-32x32.png (file) 314 bytes Studenterhue Water plants in style with this golden watering can, a reward for seasoned Botanists. Is it just me or does this look like urine yellow? 32x32 means it's 32 pixels tall by 32 pixels wide. Good in a bullet list, especially with other 32x32 sprites. S... 1
22:48, 9 January 2021 WateringCanV2-32x32.png (file) 314 bytes Studenterhue Got a thirsty plant?...what's so funny?...This watering can give it the water it needs. 32x32 means it's 32 pixels tall by 32 pixels wide. Good in a bullet list, especially with other 32x32 sprites. New sprite by BatElite, per October 7th, 2020 upda... 1
20:48, 9 January 2021 GeigerCounter-32x32.gif (file) 982 bytes Virvatuli A tool no miner should go without, given how radioactive some ores are! Radiation is the silent killer, it'll often be too late to save yourself by the time you notice how ill you've become. [ Sprite... 1
20:38, 9 January 2021 EMPGrenadeV2-32x32.png (file) 227 bytes Virvatuli A nasty little package that, once detonated, sends out an electromagnetic pulse that fries electronics, drains energy cells, and does mean things to our Silicon friends. [ Sprite by Erinexx!] [[Categ... 1
20:17, 9 January 2021 SBRadioV2-32x32.png (file) 291 bytes Virvatuli It's a walkie-talkie with a fancy name! It does the same thing as a headset while being bulkier and you can't strap it to your head! At least you can pretend you're in an old military movie while using it though. Sprite by... to be determined! [[Cate... 1
20:02, 9 January 2021 SpaceGPSV3-32x32.gif (file) 451 bytes Virvatuli A very useful tool for a variety of jobs both on and off the station. Find your way back to the station after getting thrown out of an airlock! Use the distress function while being eaten by a horror from beyond the stars! [ 1
19:50, 9 January 2021 TRayScannerV2-32x32.gif (file) 438 bytes Virvatuli One of the mechanic's many friends, this device works as both a volt meter and an ultrasonic probe to detect things normally hidden by the human eye. Find the wire and see how bad it'll shock you, all in one tool! [ 1
19:37, 9 January 2021 GeologicalScannerV2-32x32.png (file) 265 bytes Virvatuli A handheld rock scanning device! More exciting than it sounds, you can use it to get a general idea what treasures and dangers may be waiting for you before you put pick to stone. Handy if you want to keep your limbs, lest you annoy some Erebite! [htt... 1
19:25, 9 January 2021 AtmosphericAnalyzerV2-32x32.png (file) 253 bytes Virvatuli Is it safe to take off your O2 mask? Is that can full of extremely hot plasma about to burst in your face? These answers can be yours with a tap of this handy tool. [ Sprite by Flaborized!] [[Catego... 1
19:18, 9 January 2021 ReagentScannerV2-32x32.png (file) 217 bytes Virvatuli Scan a Thing, and this handheld device will inform you what horrific reagents happen to be in the Thing. It's good to know that the shot glass you're about to gulp down contains Strychnine, yeah? [ S... 1
19:06, 9 January 2021 HealthAnalyzerFullyUpgradedV2-32x32.png (file) 254 bytes Virvatuli A fully upgraded health analyzer, with organ scan and reagent scan modules installed. Handy for finding out what organs are missing out of someone after they walked into a botanist with a red chainsaw. [ 1
19:15, 5 January 2021 PortableCameraViewerV2-32x32.png (file) 281 bytes Virvatuli A handheld camera monitoring system, useful for the Security Officer who just doesn't have time to kick back and eat some donuts. [ Sprite by Erinexx!] Category: Object Sprites 1
18:58, 5 January 2021 CyberneticCleanerBottle-32x32.png (file) 589 bytes Virvatuli A high-tech squirt bottle, filled with cybernetic cleaning juices that replenish themselves through technomagic! Or maybe it just draws from a reservoir. [ Sprite by Troasta!] [[Category: Object Spr... 1
19:44, 4 January 2021 TankDispenserV2-32x32.png (file) 477 bytes Virvatuli Suffocating because someone replaced the atmosphere with farts? Need to make an explosive gift for your best pal? Then this dispenser is your go-to for your oxygen or plasma needs! [ Sprite by BatEli... 1
19:34, 4 January 2021 AirSiphonV2-32x32.png (file) 309 bytes Virvatuli A handy gas container that can be dragged to the site of the latest bombing to re-pressurize, or perhaps fill some oxygen tanks with something a little more nefarious! [ Sprite by BatElite!] [[Categ... 1
19:20, 4 January 2021 PortableSeedFabricator-32x32.png (file) 309 bytes Virvatuli A handheld device that lets your technomagically synthesize plant seeds! Ain't the future cool? [ Sprite by BatElite!] Category: Object Sprites 1
19:01, 4 January 2021 ArrivalMissile-32x64.png (file) 2 KB Virvatuli What better way to arrive for your shift than to be shot at the station at high velocity? NT assumes no liability for any injuries you may sustain in transit, nor are you guaranteed to actually reach your destination. Sprite made by... unknown! [[Cat... 1
22:04, 22 December 2020 WarMedal-32x32.png (file) 254 bytes Studenterhue Did you know the HoS fought in a war? This the medal they got for being a part of it! They'll say they got for uncommon valour, but in reality this is probably like the NT equivalent of a Purple Heart. Sprite maybe by Azungar? [[Category: Object Spri... 1
21:49, 22 December 2020 RibbonFirstPlace-32x32.png (file) 155 bytes Studenterhue A sticker taking the form of a first-place ribbon. It's blue, which evidently all first-place ribbons are now. Artist unknown. Category: Object Sprites 1
21:46, 22 December 2020 GraduationCap-32x32.png (file) 214 bytes Studenterhue Congrats on making it through clown college! You've finally earned the right to wear this cap and magically conjure it into existence when you're a clown. Gown is extra though. Sprite by Flaborized! Category: Object Sprites 1
20:21, 21 December 2020 ChiefWiggumAseverySecoffEver.jpg (file) 69 KB LaSimulationNation Chief Wiggum from the Simpsons is confronted by Homer about his corrupt deeds, not unlike that of the standard secoff. 1
15:12, 21 December 2020 MonkeyWithaGun.png (file) 1.4 MB LaSimulationNation A comic from an unknown source featuring a monkey with a gun. 1
22:00, 18 December 2020 WhiteRooster.png (file) 6 KB ArdentSpark White Rooster, 64x64px 1
21:56, 18 December 2020 WhiteHen.png (file) 6 KB ArdentSpark White Hen, 64x64px 1
21:51, 18 December 2020 RaptorTiercel.png (file) 1 KB ArdentSpark Raptor Tiercel, 62x46px, edited to use the actual in game sprite 2
21:45, 18 December 2020 RaptorHen.png (file) 13 KB ArdentSpark Raptor Hen, 62x44px, Flipped to face the left like the rest of the Chicken sprites 3
21:40, 18 December 2020 RaptorChick.png (file) 945 bytes ArdentSpark Raptor Chick, 32x30 1
21:39, 18 December 2020 RaptorEgg.png (file) 744 bytes ArdentSpark Raptor Egg Thumbnail, 24x30px 2
22:46, 17 December 2020 Cowrancher64.png (file) 2 KB Nefarious6th Cow rancher for the new rancher job 1
11:09, 10 December 2020 RecordTrak.png (file) 449 bytes Carbadox   1
20:38, 6 December 2020 Zoo.png (file) 1 KB Mara Arin The shape of the Zoo adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:38, 6 December 2020 Water treatment facility.png (file) 1 KB Mara Arin The shape of the Water Treatment Facility adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:38, 6 December 2020 Taras genetic lab.png (file) 987 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Tara's Genetic Lab adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:37, 6 December 2020 Strip mall.png (file) 989 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Strip Mall adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:37, 6 December 2020 Slimys house of fun and burgers.png (file) 968 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Slimy's House of Fun and Burgers adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:36, 6 December 2020 Sea monkey outpost.png (file) 1 KB Mara Arin The shape of the Sea Monkey Outpost adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:36, 6 December 2020 Robot factory.png (file) 974 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Robot Factory adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:35, 6 December 2020 Ozymandias sand ruins.png (file) 978 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Sand Ruins adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:35, 6 December 2020 Nss polaris.png (file) 966 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the NSS Polaris adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:34, 6 December 2020 Nanotrasen-mining-outpost.png (file) 1,000 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Nanotrasen Mining Outpost adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:33, 6 December 2020 Hidden cache.png (file) 950 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Hidden Cache adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:32, 6 December 2020 Greenhouse.png (file) 1,010 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Greenhouse adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:32, 6 December 2020 Ghost house.png (file) 950 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Ghost House adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:31, 6 December 2020 Daniels outpost.png (file) 1 KB Mara Arin The shape of the Daniel's Outpost adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
20:29, 6 December 2020 Crashed ship.png (file) 1,022 bytes Mara Arin The shape of the Crashed Ship adventure zone. Form an expedition to find out what lies within! 1
22:41, 4 December 2020 Mara arin medical doctor right.png (file) 3 KB Mara Arin Mara Arin dressed as a Medical Doctor posing with their right shoulder turned to the camera. 1
22:39, 4 December 2020 Mara arin medical doctor front.png (file) 3 KB Mara Arin Mara Arin dressed as a Medical Doctor posing facing the camera. 1
22:39, 4 December 2020 Mara arin medical doctor back.png (file) 3 KB Mara Arin Mara Arin dressed as a Medical Doctor posing with their back turned to the camera. 1
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