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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
02:01, 19 September 2018 Handspider.png (file) 386 bytes Studenterhue A changeling's detached hand that has gain autonomy, sentience, and insatiable bloodthirst. Its mouth can gather DNA for the benefit of its master. Also a professional bird flipper ..'.. 1
01:45, 19 September 2018 GangPoster.png (file) 258 bytes Studenterhue A piece of paper with a peculiar hue. Maybe it's a ticket. Or a fine. Perhaps even a gang flyer. 1
00:54, 18 September 2018 SoulsteelBar.png (file) 278 bytes Studenterhue A bar of steel imbued with human souls (or, technically, ectoplasm spheres), used for making extra-spooky chairs. 1
04:06, 17 September 2018 ApprenticeCap.png (file) 387 bytes Studenterhue A paper wizard hat for a special kind of nerd: the LARPer. 1
01:18, 12 September 2018 DoctorBag.png (file) 484 bytes Studenterhue No, chucklenut, not a bag of doctors, a bag for doctors. Specially the Medical Director, who starts with it in their locker, containing a scalpel, circular saw, suture, syringe, and blood pack. 1
00:48, 12 September 2018 ExtravagantChocolateGateau.png (file) 405 bytes Studenterhue A fancy chocolate cake, worth more than the Space GDP of Space Bulgaria. Which actually isn't a lot. 1
04:21, 10 September 2018 APCV2.png (file) 393 bytes Studenterhue A new version of the APC sprite, released with the Oshan Lab update. Now that even the APC sprite's been replaced, I wonder how many of the pre-2009 sprites still remain in use. 1
04:18, 10 September 2018 FloorFlusher.png (file) 615 bytes Studenterhue A giant disposal chute for ejecting prisoners who've served their sentence back out into the main station, automatically taking off their off if possible. Has a rather scary tendency to send people careening into a glass table. 1
04:16, 10 September 2018 BrigChute.png (file) 364 bytes Studenterhue A pneumatic chute for sending criminals to the brig. Because criminal scum ought to be treated like trash. 1
03:50, 10 September 2018 TransportationChute.png (file) 385 bytes Studenterhue Like a disposals chute, except you actually are supposed to send yourself through it. That's why you can use it while still in the chute and don't have to wait for it to repressurize to use it. 1
01:25, 10 September 2018 Riceball.png (file) 279 bytes Studenterhue A small ball of sticky rice, essential for making sushi. Comes with an added grey outline so that it's more visible against the wiki's white background. 1
01:24, 10 September 2018 StickyRice.png (file) 423 bytes Studenterhue A big clump of rice wetted with water. 1
01:23, 10 September 2018 Ingrice.png (file) 321 bytes Studenterhue The end result of processing rice sprigs. Brown or white rice? Label doesn't say. 1
01:23, 10 September 2018 TrashBag.png (file) 322 bytes Studenterhue A surprisingly spacious bag for holding trash. Like anime DVDs. 1
21:38, 8 September 2018 Aconite.png (file) 348 bytes Studenterhue Aconite, wolfsbane, monkshood, it's all this flower, and it hurts werewolves other any other name. 1
04:55, 8 September 2018 BoxOfTrashBags.png (file) 350 bytes Studenterhue A box full of bags for holding trash. Like people who wear trash bags as singlets. 1
04:52, 8 September 2018 BoxOfBiohazardBags.png (file) 317 bytes Studenterhue A box full of bags that are biohazards. No, wait, sorry, a box full of bags that are FOR biohazards. You can tell because of the surprisingly tolerable biohazard symbol on the box. 1
04:51, 8 September 2018 BiohazardBag.png (file) 332 bytes Studenterhue A bag full of stuff you really don't want pricking your skin anytime soon. Like wet floor signs. 1
05:26, 4 September 2018 Seaweed.png (file) 362 bytes Studenterhue What ACTUALLY gives you seaweed sheets. Three prongs, not two folks. 1
00:49, 4 September 2018 OshanChemistry.png (file) 315 KB Studenterhue The Chemistry lab on Oshan Lab. The beakers look kind of like fat glasses, but I think the map screenshot algorithm captured the image pretty well. 1
22:13, 3 September 2018 OshanZenGarden.png (file) 277 KB Studenterhue What is the sound of one owl fucking? What is Wonkmin? These are the questions the monks meditate on in Oshan Lab's Zen Garden. 1
22:10, 3 September 2018 OshanWestHallwaySecurityCheckpoint.png (file) 81 KB Studenterhue One of the three Security Checkpoints on Oshan Lab. This one is near the Bar and Hydroponics, because, after all, someone's got to watch over those donuts. Who knows? Maybe the Chef farted on each of them after taking them out of the oven. 1
22:08, 3 September 2018 OshanWestCrewLounge.png (file) 178 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's West Crew Lounge, which is really more of a Southwest Crew Lounge. Not sure why it exists, but it certainly makes the space below the Quartermaster's Office a little bit cosier. 1
22:06, 3 September 2018 OshanWasteDisposal.png (file) 185 KB Studenterhue The ultimate destination of all anime on Oshan Lab, Waste Disposal. 1
22:05, 3 September 2018 OshanTreatmentRooms.png (file) 130 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Treatment Rooms, small, private rooms for monitoring chronically-ill or special-needs patients. 1
22:03, 3 September 2018 OshanToxinStorage.png (file) 152 KB Studenterhue A storage room in Oshan Lab's Research Sector used primarily for keeping canisters of various gases. Which is odd, considering Toxins, the place where these gases would actually be used, is on a whole another substation. 1
22:01, 3 September 2018 OshanToxins.png (file) 588 KB Studenterhue The Toxins Lab on Oshan Lab's Research Outpost. Probably the only place on the station where it's perfectly normal to have bombs on every floor tile. 1
21:59, 3 September 2018 OshanToolStorage.png (file) 151 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Tool Storage. It contains all the tools and supplies you need to tear down the entire station--and then some. 1
21:37, 3 September 2018 OshanToilets.png (file) 127 KB Studenterhue Toilets, bathrooms, restrooms, water closet, privy, latrine, comfort station--whatever you call it, it's where the crew on Oshan Lab go when they need to ''go''. 1
21:35, 3 September 2018 OshanTestChamber.png (file) 155 KB Studenterhue A special room on Oshan Lab's Research Outpost built whose sole purpose is to be destroyed by hellchem bombs and TTVs. 1
21:33, 3 September 2018 OshanTeleporterRoom.png (file) 136 KB Studenterhue Transport your lazy ass across the space-time continuum of Oshan Lab with the machines in this room, the Teleporter Room. 1
21:31, 3 September 2018 OshanTechOutpost.png (file) 572 KB Studenterhue Tech Outpost, a remote mechanics lab just north of Oshan Lab 1
21:29, 3 September 2018 OshanTechnicalStorage.png (file) 179 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Technical Storage, a whole room dedicated to storing circuit boards, data disks, and other things that can only count up to 1. 1
21:27, 3 September 2018 OshanSupplyLobby.png (file) 188 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Supply Lobby, a, well, lobby area of sorts for the Quartermaster's Office. 1
21:26, 3 September 2018 OshanSolitaryCells.png (file) 102 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's solitary confinement cells. If you end up here, you've probably really messed up. 1
21:21, 3 September 2018 OshanShowerRoom.png (file) 168 KB Studenterhue Scrub a dub dub that sweat away in Oshan Lab's shower room. Do you want to wallow in your own workout juices? 1
21:20, 3 September 2018 OshanSecurityOffice.png (file) 511 KB Studenterhue The two rooms that link the equipment room, defendant's chair, interrogation room, and HoS office on Oshan Lab together. Technically, it's just called Security, but that would make wiki documentation confusing, so we're calling it the Security Office. 1
21:18, 3 September 2018 OshanSecurityFoyer.png (file) 195 KB Studenterhue The main atrium into Oshan Lab's Security department, with handy interrogation and brig chutes. 1
21:17, 3 September 2018 OshanSecurityV1.png (file) 1.73 MB Studenterhue The whole complex of rooms and offices used by Oshan Lab's gang of redshirts, Security. 1
17:31, 3 September 2018 OshanSecureDock.png (file) 153 KB Studenterhue A minisub dock for Oshan Lab's team of redshirts, the Security Officers. 1
17:30, 3 September 2018 OshanSeaElevator.png (file) 250 KB Studenterhue Oshan Sea Elevator, a lift that takes you to the trench z-level. 1
17:29, 3 September 2018 OshanSeaDiner.png (file) 1.01 MB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's local underwater eatery, the Sea Diner. I hear it has great atmosphere, especially when Shitty Bill's around. 1
17:28, 3 September 2018 OshanScienceTeleporter.png (file) 360 KB Studenterhue Prepare for an telescience adventure! It's Oshan Lab's Science Teleporter room! Look at that public accessibility! Wow! 1
17:27, 3 September 2018 OshanSauna.png (file) 172 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's local Sauna. I'm not sure if saunas are supposed to have bathtubs or tanning beds, but maybe it's different in the Abzu Sea. 1
17:18, 3 September 2018 OshanRobotics.png (file) 302 KB Studenterhue Is it too late to make a Detroit: Become Human joke now? Because Become Human jokes would totally fit in Oshan Lab's cyborg construction workshop. 1
17:16, 3 September 2018 OshanRobotDepot.png (file) 128 KB Studenterhue Beep boop hug, it's the Robot Depot, the home of Oshan Lab's community of GuardBuddies. 1
17:13, 3 September 2018 OshanResearchSector.png (file) 2.1 MB Studenterhue A snapshot of most of Oshan Lab's science facilities, including the Telescience, Chemistry, and Artifact Research labs. 1
17:12, 3 September 2018 OshanResearchOutpostHangar.png (file) 71 KB Studenterhue A minisub hangar for incoming vessels visiting Oshan Lab's Research Outpost. 1
17:11, 3 September 2018 OshanResearchOutpost.png (file) 1.25 MB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's off-station toxins research and testing lab. Because you obviously don't want chemical weapons or hulking canister bombs to be detonating on-station. 1
17:09, 3 September 2018 OshanResearchDock.png (file) 258 KB Studenterhue A minisub dock for Oshan Lab's scientists, ostensibly for transporting alien artifacts and transporting people to and from the Research Outpost. This definitely has a people chute now, so someone's gonna have to update it. 1
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