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- 15:31, 5 July 2014 diff hist +899 m Quartermaster →Items you can order: making the table better-er
- 15:24, 2 July 2014 diff hist −67 m Killing the AI →Shutting down Cyborgs: E-magged cyborgs are very much vulnerable to killswitches, just not AI weapon lockdowns
- 15:14, 2 July 2014 diff hist +10,320 User:Zamujasa Various tips I've collected over games I've played, useful if you want to know some of the finer tricks to being a good farty spaceman
- 04:36, 2 July 2014 diff hist +45 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →NET_DNASCANNER
- 00:32, 30 June 2014 diff hist +23 Medical Doctor →Using the Cryo Chambers: rewriting it to make it clear that you should never leave the tubes on unoccupied
- 19:36, 29 June 2014 diff hist +5 m Guide to Mining →Starting Equipment: You can dump them into crates, too, in case you feel like selling them
- 04:09, 29 June 2014 diff hist +9 m User:Zamujasa →Scanning paper and other junk: don't drink and dwaine
- 04:08, 29 June 2014 diff hist +721 User:Zamujasa I should really write a bug report for some of this shit
- 04:03, 29 June 2014 diff hist +379 User:Zamujasa more useless information
- 20:14, 28 June 2014 diff hist +626 User:Zamujasa →Artifact research for people who hate typing: the more you know
- 14:31, 28 June 2014 diff hist +487 User:Zamujasa will put this somewhere else later when I can find where it goes
- 04:30, 26 June 2014 diff hist +1,199 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →PNET_PR6_RADIO: would be nice if there was a programmatic way to create folders and maybe something like "find" to recursively list files in a directory
- 20:28, 25 June 2014 diff hist +247 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →143.3 - ???: and now you know
- 13:45, 25 June 2014 diff hist +143 User talk:Zamujasa/Station Network
- 05:46, 25 June 2014 diff hist +476 N User:Zamujasa Created page with "=== Artifact research for people who hate typing === <pre>cd /mnt/artlab echo #!|ngptio activate $arg0 ^ a echo #!|ngptio deactivate $arg0 ^ d echo #!|ngptio sense $arg0|ngpt..."
- 05:39, 25 June 2014 diff hist +193 User:Zamujasa/Station Network damnit AngriestIBM now I ''need'' to know what this is
- 21:36, 24 June 2014 diff hist +124 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →PNET_COM_ARRAY: mp ,pre di,b
- 21:22, 24 June 2014 diff hist +46 User:Zamujasa/Station Network and here I was hoping for a way to tamper with the records without access, boo
- 21:14, 24 June 2014 diff hist +2,105 User:Zamujasa/Station Network 143.1: who knows
- 20:52, 24 June 2014 diff hist +27 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →PDAs: adding internal device name
- 20:51, 24 June 2014 diff hist +982 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →114.9: Might be useful to reorganize this by device instead of by frequency, we'll see
- 19:51, 24 June 2014 diff hist +2 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →121.9 - GuardBuddies: one heading too high
- 16:34, 23 June 2014 diff hist −1 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →Securitrons
- 16:34, 23 June 2014 diff hist −176 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →144.5 - Robot patrols: This isn't what I thought it was, but it is related
- 16:33, 23 June 2014 diff hist +276 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →144.3 - Tour guide stops: Not just tour guides
- 16:29, 23 June 2014 diff hist −1 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →Spoofing the login packet: dumb red link
- 16:27, 23 June 2014 diff hist +180 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →Types of networked devices
- 16:26, 23 June 2014 diff hist +3,167 User:Zamujasa/Station Network Securitrons and MULEs, oh boy! Follow Beepsky around or steal the QM's stuff!
- 16:59, 22 June 2014 diff hist +574 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →PNET_COM_ARRAY: adding a packet dump to this I got lucky and caught last night
- 16:49, 22 June 2014 diff hist +67 Mechanic Components And You →Teleport Component: I've seen this question asked and discovered the answer last night
- 20:23, 18 June 2014 diff hist +4,299 User:Zamujasa/Station Network Adding some packet dumps for stuff I haven't had time to analyze in-depth yet
- 17:10, 17 June 2014 diff hist +45 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network fixing broken links
- 17:06, 17 June 2014 diff hist +2,074 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network Adding a list of devices you'll see with term_ping on the station proper
- 03:47, 17 June 2014 diff hist +26 m Cogmap1/Research Director Fixing headings
- 02:28, 17 June 2014 diff hist +1,968 User:Zamujasa/Station Network →Radio Frequencies: adding data on beacons. Was fun getting Murray stuck in an endless loop
- 23:38, 16 June 2014 diff hist +3,550 User:Zamujasa/Station Network Adding a bunch more data, still a ton of work to do. If this is SUPER SECRET SHIT then please let me know so I don't waste any more time
- 23:22, 16 June 2014 diff hist +31 N GuardBuddy Creating a theoretically-useful redirect current
- 22:30, 16 June 2014 diff hist +195 m User:Zamujasa/Station Network →114.9 - PDAs
- 22:29, 16 June 2014 diff hist +2,780 N User:Zamujasa/Station Network Created page with "I'd like to make this into a more detailed page at some point, but for now I'm just infodumping what I have. == Abusing the station network == TODO === Wired Network === ..."
- 16:49, 15 June 2014 diff hist +302 User talk:Convair880
- 16:46, 15 June 2014 diff hist +157 Game FAQ →I was arrested, how do I remove handcuffs?: gotta stay still
- 16:17, 14 June 2014 diff hist −206 Medical Doctor →Using the Cryo Chambers: I'm about 95% positive it's just a pressure change due to the low temperature and not actually leakage