User:Zamujasa/Station Network

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I'd like to make this into a more detailed page at some point, but for now I'm just infodumping what I have.

Abusing the station network


Wired Network

TODO. Need to go into this more, explain what devices are on the network, etc etc.

Unlike the other page(s) that says there are several different station networks, everything is on one big network now. There are still separate ones out in space (like on Hemera VII and some telescience areas) though.

Things you can do!

  • Connect to the AI (MAINFRAME_AI) for a direct chat line! Only people who have an active packet sniffer will be able to see what you're doing (and the likelihood of that is exceedingly rare)
  • Connect to the communications array to download that security report you hear about at the start of rounds! It's useless but it might make a good hat if you print it out
  • Send out radio packets from the mainframe radio using only DWAINE! (The existing guide leaves out that you have to mkdir /mnt/radio/XXXX before you can pipe to that frequency)
  • And more! Stick a packet sniffer onto a data terminal somewhere and go nuts.

Radio Frequencies

Basically everything you can spoof (aside from PDA messages) will require a address_1 field, indicating the target of the message.

sender is added automatically to almost every packet-sending device, though apparently you can get away without one by manually crafting a signal and using a wireless computer's free mode (with greatly reduced range)

114.9 - PDAs


  • TODO
  • Really easy to scan, the Network Tools cartridge defaults to this freqency
  • Snoop on people trying to use PDAs to covertly message people! Just be sure to get your ID switched to "NSA Operative" first Clear the log regularly so it doesn't clog up with PDA pings.

Packet spoofing:

  • address_1: Needed if you're targeting one PDA, otherwise it's a mass broadcast to every PDA
  • command: Generally text_message, though there are others (TODO)
  • message: The text you want to send. Surprise!
  • sender_name: What the name should show up as. Leaving it blank will make PDAs show it as !UNKNOWN! (or something close)
  • And more!

141.1 - Doors

Doors have a really short brodcast range (± 5 tiles?) so you'll have to be close to ping them. You can sniff packets if you click on a door (or someone else does), or just ping and try to pick the right one from the list.

Packet Sniffing details:

  • TBD

Packet spoofing:

  • command:
    • open: Opens a door
    • close: Closes a door
    • lock: Drops the door bolts
    • unlock: Raises the door bolts
    • secure_open: Bolts a door open*
    • secure_close: Bolts a door closed*

*Used by the cryptographic sequencer