I do be existing. Anyway, this page is for testing things, so I don't eff up someone else's nice page.
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Available To: Captain, HoP, HoS,
Shows a list of all crew (excluding obvious non-employees like nuke ops), plus their job and department.
Status Display
Power Checker 0.15
Available To: Captain,
Shows useful engine-related information, such as the temp and pressure of the hot and cold loops of the TEG, and the status of the PTL.
Station Namer
Available To: Captain
Allows you to change the name of the station! This could be anything from "Adamant Bastion Charlie" to "erstwhile drugs factory." Also shows the whitelisted word list.
Port-A-Brig Remote
Lets you summon the Port-A-Brig to your location, lock it, and send it back home, usually with someone inside.
Secmate Scanner
Load this scanner up, click on someone while your PDA is in your hand, and it will automatically bring up their Secmate record. You still can't edit it without a security computer, though.