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03:13, 6 April 2019 AtlasMedkitRoom.png (file) 39 KB Studenterhue A section of Atlas's Medbay that the APC calls "Medbay" and I call "Medkit Room", on account of the rather lackluster array of medkits on the table. 1
03:12, 6 April 2019 AtlasMedbayLobby.png (file) 17 KB Studenterhue A small section of Atlas's Medbay is that is called the Medbay Lobby, so called because it's the main entrance. 1
03:11, 6 April 2019 AtlasMedbay.png (file) 196 KB Studenterhue A whole country's worth of scrubs and malpractice, concentrated in this Medbay on the lower end of Atlas. 1
03:10, 6 April 2019 AtlasCloning.png (file) 43 KB Studenterhue Where the doctors of Atlas scan and copy people like the Clown scans and copies pictures of ASCII bees. 1
02:41, 6 April 2019 AtlasCyro.png (file) 49 KB Studenterhue Where the doctors of Atlas freeze people to heal them. Safely. Probably. 1
02:40, 6 April 2019 MartianSapper.png (file) 535 bytes Studenterhue A currently unused Martian with some more team-orientated buffs and a degree in leadership skills from a Martian community college. 1
02:39, 6 April 2019 MartianMutant.png (file) 494 bytes Studenterhue A weak Martian with especially powerful psychic powers. 1
02:38, 6 April 2019 MartianSoldier.png (file) 555 bytes Studenterhue A Martian with a phaser gun you don't have. 1
02:38, 6 April 2019 MartianWarrior.png (file) 612 bytes Studenterhue A Martian with a penchant for choking victims with its bare tentacles and a mildly debilitating psychic attack. 1
02:36, 6 April 2019 Martian64.png (file) 619 bytes Studenterhue Your standard, garden variety Martian, with no special abilities. As if Martians grew in gardens. Which is actually probably accurate. 1
02:29, 6 April 2019 IntruderOvermind.gif (file) 2 KB Studenterhue The star of the abandoned Intrusion game mode, as they appeared in-game. 1
02:29, 6 April 2019 IntruderSpire.gif (file) 2 KB Studenterhue A spooky-looking spire from Intrusion, a game mode that was never finished. 1
02:28, 6 April 2019 Intruder64.png (file) 870 bytes Studenterhue Some spooky-looking fella from the spooky abandoned Intrustion mode of years ago. 1
17:07, 4 April 2019 OshanTreatmentRoomsV3.png (file) 44 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Treatment Rooms, small, private rooms for monitoring chronically-ill or special-needs patients. The rooms themselves haven't changed, but the rooms ''around'' it have. 1
17:01, 4 April 2019 OshanMedbayV3.png (file) 1.4 MB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Medbay, which is essentially an underwater hospital. Same scrubs and malpractice, now with an extra medbay staff area and a slightly different pharmacy and restroom to do it in. 1
16:57, 4 April 2019 OshanMedbayStaffAreaV2.png (file) 49 KB Studenterhue The Medbay Staff Area in the initial iteration of Oshan Lab returns as a modest chamber on the west side of Medbay with sitting space, a coffee machine, and extra potent sleeping tonic. 1
16:54, 4 April 2019 OshanMedbayRestroomV3.png (file) 30 KB Studenterhue The newest and slightly improved Medbay Restroom of Oshan Lab, still as accessible as before but slightly reorganized and moved somewhere else to accommodate a staff area. 1
16:53, 4 April 2019 OshanPharmacyV3.png (file) 73 KB Studenterhue The new and slightly improved version of Medbay's Pharmacy on Oshan Lab. It's still really just a chemistry lab for Medbay, but since it's used for manufacturing medicine rather than chemical weapons, it's called a pharmacy. Now with a bit more space a... 1
16:44, 4 April 2019 OshanNerdDungeon-3-27-2019.png (file) 74 KB Studenterhue A dungeon for all the nerds of Oshan Lab . Nerds of all strains of nerdery can be found here. Tabletop game nerds, StG nerds, Sol nerds, chemistry nerds, materials nerds, Wonka nerds--it's truly an impression display of nerdery. Now with a Robustris Pr... 1
04:09, 4 April 2019 OshanRefineryV2.png (file) 55 KB Studenterhue Oshan Lab's Refinery, a refinery for those with refined tastes in smelting and blacksmithing. Now the water tank replaced by a somewhat more useful cyborg docking station. 1
03:40, 4 April 2019 Mug.png (file) 247 bytes Studenterhue It's a cup, except it stays together when you toss it at someone's face and doesn't invite grade school jokes about spelling it aloud. 1
03:34, 4 April 2019 UniformManufacturer.png (file) 607 bytes Studenterhue A machine for making clothes, so that...greyshirts can come in pinkshirts, blueshirts, greenshirts, and all other colors of the rainbowshirt? Yeah, that's good enough. 1
03:27, 4 April 2019 PersonnelEquipmentManufacturer.png (file) 620 bytes Studenterhue A machine for making ID cards, clothing, and access implants, for giving out all-access in style. 1
03:25, 4 April 2019 RoboticsFabricator.png (file) 626 bytes Studenterhue A machine that makes cyborg and AI parts and their upgrades, so that they can have loads of fancy upgrades and doohickeys when they become subverted and kill everyone. 1
03:24, 4 April 2019 MedicalFabricator.png (file) 701 bytes Studenterhue A machine that makes medical tools, hospital clothing, implants, and other things. 1
03:21, 4 April 2019 ShipComponentFabricator.png (file) 644 bytes Studenterhue Some sort of lathe/mill/printer/extruder/fuckingwhateverinator that can print parts for your pod, like little attachments that make it go *pew**pew* or *drrr* when you press the spacebar. 1
01:43, 4 April 2019 Cogmap2Arcade-3-27-2019.png (file) 161 KB Studenterhue The Arcade of Cog2, where people go to watch numbers go down. Now with a professional lookin' Robustris cabinet. 1
01:35, 4 April 2019 Cogmap2ResearchSectorConstructionArea.png (file) 31 KB Studenterhue This weird unfinished area in Cog2's Research Sector that is apparently in construction. But it can be flooded with monkeys and made into a burn chamber absolutely fine, is it really in construction? 1
01:32, 4 April 2019 AtlasCustoms.png (file) 22 KB Studenterhue Customs on Atlas. Not exactly a real room in the sense that it has its own APC, but it has the necessary machines. 1
03:39, 3 April 2019 BandanaRed.png (file) 245 bytes Studenterhue A spiffing piece of cloth that shows you're ready to robust and be robusted. Red for easily hiding blood, whether your own or your enemy's. 1
03:35, 3 April 2019 ShoulderHolster.png (file) 294 bytes Studenterhue Like a belt, but it goes over your shoulder, so you can store more cigarettes to chainsmoke. 1
01:35, 3 April 2019 RobustrisProCabinet.gif (file) 14 KB Studenterhue An extra fancy cabinet for playing the local Tetris clone. Exported straight from the .dmi because man, 54 frames is too damn high a number of pics to cut down. 1
00:00, 2 April 2019 BATTLER64.png (file) 1 KB Studenterhue Some unknown Battle Royale player on some battle ground in space. 1
00:49, 1 April 2019 BroteinShakeDragonBalls.png (file) 424 bytes Studenterhue A flavor of somewhat unfortunately-named energy drinks sold by a radical sk8ter merchant. 1
17:37, 30 March 2019 ChipsOnion.png (file) 283 bytes Studenterhue A bag of cheesy fried onions. 1
17:29, 30 March 2019 Pickle.png (file) 297 bytes Studenterhue A cucumber that's been soaked with brine. Now with less whitespace. 2
17:28, 30 March 2019 SwedishFiskBag.png (file) 913 bytes Studenterhue A bag of Swedish Fisk. No, no fish. Fisk. F-I-S-K. As in the ones that make you Swedish. Somehow. Now I actually bothered to remove the whitespace. 2
17:12, 30 March 2019 CinnamonSugarDonut.png (file) 272 bytes Studenterhue Just in case you didn't think your donut was sugary enough, here's one that somehow crams 20 units of sugar into it. Such are GTM snacks. 1
03:18, 30 March 2019 CogmapChapel-3-23-2019.png (file) 290 KB Studenterhue The Chapel of Cog1, after the March 23th update added an area label and an aquarium and an earlier update added some immobile candles and a wardrobe of mime clothes. 1
23:40, 29 March 2019 SyndicateHat.png (file) 356 bytes Studenterhue This...this is beauty. This beautiful, towering cap with extra melee protection and excellent equip messages is well worth the 12 TC. 1
11:25, 29 March 2019 AbandonedMedicalShuttle.png (file) 501 KB Polivilas   1
10:17, 29 March 2019 DebrisField.png (file) 1.48 MB Polivilas Lets scale it down, we dont need a 10k pixel image for a quick reference. 2
04:27, 29 March 2019 AtlasTeleporter.png (file) 24 KB Studenterhue The future of teleportation; noisy, inefficient, and cramped into a broom closet above Atlas's Bridge 1
04:26, 29 March 2019 AtlasEVAStorage.png (file) 21 KB Studenterhue EVA Storage, a storage room on the right side of Atlas that's not even trying to avoid getting looted. 1
04:21, 29 March 2019 AtlasComputerCore.png (file) 70 KB Studenterhue The AI's bedroom on Atlas. I thought Clarion's AI Upload was insecure, but this one really takes the cake. It's near a wall that's easily accessible from the main hallway and can easily be caught in collateral damage. 1
04:17, 29 March 2019 AtlasCommandMeetingRoom.png (file) 29 KB Studenterhue Some sort of meeting room below Atlas's Bridge where the Heads get to play corporate bullshit bingo. While its APC calls it "Head of Personnel's Office", I'm calling it "Command Meeting Room", because I have the common sense that hunk of metal lacks. 1
04:13, 29 March 2019 AtlasCommandLockerRoom.png (file) 26 KB Studenterhue A room below Atlas's Bridge that has color-coded floor tiles and the RD, MDir, HoS, and CE's lockers in it. For some reason, it's called the Head of Personnel's Office, but since it's not an office and doesn't exclusively belong to the HoP, I'm calling... 1
04:10, 29 March 2019 AtlasCaptainOffice.png (file) 43 KB Studenterhue The office of the Atlas's Head Clown, the Captain. 1
04:09, 29 March 2019 AtlasHOPOffice.png (file) 43 KB Studenterhue The office of Atlas's HoP, the local banker, human resources specialist, and Harry "Loadsamoney" Enfield re-enactor. 1
04:07, 29 March 2019 AtlasBridge.png (file) 101 KB Studenterhue The wideboy that is Atlas's Bridge. It's nice flooring, a computer for calling the shuttle home, and Aldo Leopold references, what more could you want? (Alcohol.) 1
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