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This template shows a table of icons used by ProDoc Health Goggles. It shows each icon, their meaning, the corresponding health level if applicable. In this way, you can put the table of icons across multiple different pages without needing to copy and paste a huge amount of text and formatting, and if the meaning of icons change or a new icon gets added, you (ideally) only need to update the template rather than several pages.


This has no parameters. Simply copy and paste {{Template:ProDocIconsTable}} or {{ProDocIconsTable}}> into whether text you want to insert the table.

Do note that like all tables, it's left-aligned by default, so if you want to, say, put the table in the center of the text, you will probably have to use <div> tags.

Contents of the Template

This part contains the markup used to create the template. Edit this part for if you want to change the template itself rather than the documentation here.

Icon Health Level Meaning
100% Perfectly fine. They can be on their way out now.
80-99% Hurt, but bearable. Needs some Saline and perhaps a patch or pill.
60-80% Needs some assistance. A quick pill or patch will do.
40-60% Hurting for some healing. Better look into it.
20-40% Terribly injured. Needs some serious assistance.
0-20% Close to dying. Tend to them urgently!
< 0% Dying! Get out the atropine/epinephrine and treat them quickly!
N/A Dead. Resurrect them with robotics, cloning, or chemistry. Check first though.
N/A Implanted with a Health Monitor implant.
N/A Implanted with a Cloner Monitor implant.
N/A Implanted with both a Health Monitor implant and a Cloner Monitor implant.
N/A Has one or more cyberorgans.