Uploads by MitchTheStationPreformer

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
19:42, 9 September 2024 ShipAlertButtonV2.png (file) 711 bytes Break the glass with the hammer nearby, and you can press a button that'll let the station know just how screwed they are. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20371 New sprite by MitchSmith]. Sprite is now in 3/4th Perspective and is much more detailed. 1
19:39, 9 September 2024 PartyButtonV2.png (file) 368 bytes A button in the Bar that is bound that makes all the lights in the room cause an epileptic episode. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20371 New sprite by MitchSmith]. It is now in 3/4th perspective and has a much cleaner and more detailed look to it. 1
18:55, 9 September 2024 SpaceMouse64.png (file) 883 bytes   2
04:18, 9 September 2024 AIShellSmallV2.gif (file) 1 KB A small AI shell, good for scooting around and basic station maintenance. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/18941 New sprite by Paiii] The sprite has generally been improved upon. 1
04:01, 9 September 2024 BaseballBatV2.png (file) 218 bytes The weapon of choice for earth-bound kid heroes and horrific genocidal baseball players alike, now found in the dark maint tunnels of a space station. Maybe it'll make it to a chart of weapon robustness? 12 damage is worth noting, after all. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/3555 New sprite by Arthur-Holiday] The bat is now a tad darker and has some better shading. 1
03:32, 9 September 2024 StGDeckV2.png (file) 325 bytes A deck full of Spacemen: the Grifening cards. It's Yu-Gi-Oh, it's Magic: the Gathering, but instead of on motorcycles, it's in space. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/5758 New sprite by Azrun, it seems] The deck is now in 3/4th Perspective and reads a lot more as a deck of cards. 1
03:20, 9 September 2024 BasketballV2.png (file) 493 bytes An essential component to re-enacting Space Jam. And playing basketball too, I guess. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/16160 New sprite by SgtManGuy]. The previous sprite was quote "yucky", with quite a bit of blurred lines and pixels that made it look not very good. This is also in it's native 32x32 format. 1
02:31, 23 August 2024 PoolOfVomitV2.png (file) 420 bytes It's a pool of vomit. Lovely. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/7145/ New sprite by Flaborized] "Current sprite lacks outline or pretty much any shape, this sets out to mainly fix that. Tries to fit the colors in more nicely with the game and give the overlay a bit more depth. Outlines still pretty soft since they're 'background' objects that you don't interact with much and can walk over." - Flaborized 1
21:12, 22 August 2024 Butt-erV3.png (file) 338 bytes A base ingredient for cooking. Gross, you can definitely believe it's not butter. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20363 New Sprite by MitchSmith] Not much has changed, just a slight contrast increase to make it a tad more distinct from other similarly shaped ingredients. 1
21:09, 22 August 2024 ButterV3.png (file) 275 bytes Secretly margarine. What is this ingot of butter Hiding? [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20363 New Sprite by MitchSmith] The butter has finally been shifted fully to 3/4th perspective, and now has extra shine in it's sprite. 1
21:05, 22 August 2024 SpaghettiBoxV2.png (file) 486 bytes A box of some unknown brand of Space Spaghetti. Make sure not to break in view of individuals of Italian descent lest you be thrown face first out an airlock. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20363 New Sprite by MitchSmith] The box has been shifted to 3/4th perspective, and now has more detail brining it visually in line with other ingredient boxes. 1
04:41, 20 August 2024 CustomCreamPie.png (file) 334 bytes A custom made cream pie. Who knows what it's made of? Probably something red in this case. 1
04:40, 20 August 2024 CustomPie.png (file) 359 bytes A custom made pie. Who knows what it's made of? Probably something yellow in this case. 1
06:47, 18 August 2024 EmergencySuitV2.png (file) 747 bytes An Emergency Space Suit, though this oversized airbag can hardly be called Spaceworthy as not only does it slow you down, but it isn't recommended that you go on a spacewalk with it. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. The sprite's colors have been made more vibrant, and it seems just a bit more bulkier as it's description implies. 1
06:35, 18 August 2024 BiosuitNew.png (file) 804 bytes A Radiation Suit, for those occasions when you need to clean up a radioactive spill in the middle of the Bar and don't want to end up a mutated freak writhing in Medical. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. Not much has changed, just a few pixels that were removed, moved, or added to make the sprite match up with similar ones, and the sprite was moved slightly to be aligned with other Biosuits. 2
06:31, 18 August 2024 RadiationSuitV3.png (file) 748 bytes A Radiation Suit, for those occasions when you need to clean up a radioactive spill in the middle of the Bar and don't want to end up a mutated freak writhing in Medical. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. Not much has changed, just a few pixels that were removed, moved, or added to make the sprite match up with similar ones, and the sprite was moved slightly to be aligned with other Biosuits. 1
06:28, 18 August 2024 RadiationSuitV2.png (file) 748 bytes A Radiation Suit, for those occasions when you need to clean up a radioactive spill in the middle of the Bar and don't want to end up a mutated freak writhing in Medical. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. Not much has changed, just a few pixels that were removed, moved, or added to make the sprite match up with similar ones, and the sprite was moved slightly to be aligned with other Biosuits. 2
06:24, 18 August 2024 ArmoredBiosuitV2.png (file) 817 bytes An armored Biosuit, for those occasions when you need to synthesize methamphetamine in the middle of a firefight and don't want to bleed into the beaker and ruin the batch. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. 1
06:21, 18 August 2024 IndustrialSpaceSuitV3.png (file) 1 KB An Industrial Space Mining Suit, a staple equipement item for both blossoming and veteran Space Miners alike. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. The sprite now includes arms, legs and boots to signify that the worn sprite covers the full body from neck to feet. 1
06:18, 18 August 2024 IndustrialDivingSuitV2.png (file) 428 bytes A orange, Gundam-esque diving suit that protects against radiation and explosions, manufacturable by mining fabs as an upgrade to the standard engineering diving suit. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. It's gotten a snazzy new collar instead of an empty abyss where it would have been, and the sprite now includes legs and boots to signify that the worn sprite covers the full body from neck to feet. 1
06:16, 18 August 2024 SyndicateCommandArmorV3.png (file) 354 bytes It's the item sprite for syndicate command armor, or armour depending on which side of the pond you're on. It's sort of like industrial armor but evil and with better stats in some areas. The previous image describes it as "a red and shiny space suit for Syndicate commanders", but given that the nukie commander wears a greatcoat, it's gotta be some other commander. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. It's gotten a snazzy new collar instead of an e... 1
06:09, 18 August 2024 CaptainSpaceSuitColorsV2.gif (file) 659 bytes It's the item sprites for all three colors of the Captain's Space Suit, the blue and red variants being available through certain medal rewards. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20295 New sprite by MitchSmith]. It's gotten a snazzy new color instead of an empty abyss where it would have been, and the pantlegs are now rounded out on the bottoms instead of being cut off sharply. 1
15:26, 13 August 2024 SecurityCameraHelmetV2.gif (file) 247 bytes A helmet with a built-in camera. You know it's for Security because it's red and has a note saying "Security" on it. Actually, when you think about it, isn't this the "future" space version of a bodycam? [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20273 New sprite by MitchSmith]. The sprite is now in 3/4th, and more properly resembles an actual hat with a top and brim and a new color scheme. Category:Object Sprites 1
15:25, 13 August 2024 CameraHelmetV2.gif (file) 247 bytes Basically the space version of a GoPro. It's helmet...with a camera. That broadcasts into the Television. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/20273 New sprite by MitchSmith]. The sprite is now in 3/4th, and more properly resembles an actual hat with a top and brim and a new color scheme. Category:Object Sprites 1
20:50, 2 January 2024 Flocked-FlakesCirrial.png (file) 399 bytes A box of Flocked-Flakes Cirrial(™?), full of unnaturally crunchy and metallic chunks that activates your body's panic response with every squirming bite. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17499/ New sprite by MitchSmith.] Flocked-Flakes is now obtainable in game through cooking, and has a unique sprite to boot, previously sharing the Shredded Syndies sprite. 1
20:45, 2 January 2024 Tahn-O-NysV2.png (file) 373 bytes A box of Tahn-O-Nys cereal™, filled with spectacularly sugary flakes of banana-y goodness. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17499/ New sprite by MitchSmith.] The sprite is now in 3/4th perspective, and has been redesigned with a higher sprite quality to match other boxes. 1
20:44, 2 January 2024 HoneyWonksV2.png (file) 434 bytes A box of Honey Wonks Cereal™, full of crunchy deliciousness with globs of honey in every bite! [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17499/ New sprite by MitchSmith.] The sprite is now in 3/4th perspective, and has been redesigned with a higher sprite quality to match other boxes. 1
20:42, 2 January 2024 GranolaBarV2.png (file) 316 bytes A delicious bar of Granola, made with oats and honey. A favorite snack among crewmembers and space hippies alike. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17499/ New sprite by MitchSmith.] The sprite is now in 3/4th perspective, and has more color depth. 1
05:42, 23 December 2023 PumpkinLanternV2.gif (file) 723 bytes A pumpkin carved out to have a spooky grin and pair of eyes,, as well as containing a light to illuminate it's features, extra spooky! [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17369 New sprite by MitchSmith] The pumpkin lantern now has the same sprite quality as the standard pumpkin itself. Category:Object Sprites 1
05:41, 23 December 2023 CarvedPumpkinV2.png (file) 883 bytes A pumpkin carved out to have a spooky grin and pair of eyes. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/17369 New sprite by MitchSmith] The carved pumpkin now has the same sprite quality as the standard pumpkin itself. Category:Object Sprites 1
02:27, 28 September 2023 LavenderLatte.png (file) 227 bytes   1
07:54, 20 September 2023 StrawberryV3.png (file) 538 bytes It's strawberry. Not a berry, not a straw. Definitely still makes good pie though. 1
06:05, 18 September 2023 AlternateJumpsuitsV2.gif (file) 3 KB Alternate jumpsuit colors for *ahem* Staff Assistants, Botanists, the Janitor, the HoS, Security Officers, the Medical Director, Medical Doctors, Geneticists, Roboticists, the Chief Engineer, Engineers, Mechanics, Miners, Quartermasters, the Research Director, and Scientists. Whew. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/6932 Resprites by Flaborized] 1
04:26, 18 September 2023 SuicideBombVestV2.png (file) 721 bytes A vest with a health analyzer and an igniter attached by wires connected to a payload, which is set off upon the users death. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15880 New sprite by MitchSmith] The old vest sprite has been swapped out for the modern sprite, and the attachment sprites have been redone as well. 1
01:06, 18 September 2023 HoodieBlueV2.png (file) 534 bytes It's like a sweater, but it has a hood! Isn't modern technology great? And now it's blue, wow. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15786 New sprite by Glamurio] 1
01:06, 18 September 2023 HoodieOrangeV2.png (file) 517 bytes It's like a sweater, but it has a hood! Isn't modern technology great? [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15786 New sprite by Glamurio] 1
00:06, 14 September 2023 Radio-horn.png (file) 536 bytes A basic assembly of a bike horn and a remote signaler, allowing the horn to be honked remotely when the signaler is activated. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15815 New sprite by MitchSmith] The horn on the assembly now uses the modern horn sprite. Category:Object Sprites 1
23:31, 12 September 2023 AIV3-64.gif (file) 2 KB An Artificial Intelligence unit, it is giving a happy smile, but what is it really planning? [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15416 New sprite by Paaiii] The top has been given details and the frame in general has been made nicer looking. 1
23:29, 12 September 2023 RobuddyLoveV2.gif (file) 542 bytes A constructed Robuddy, it appears to be showing digital affection towards you. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15188 New sprite by Mister-Moriarty] It has been given 3/4th perspective and a general overhaul. 1
23:28, 12 September 2023 RobuddyFrameV2.png (file) 356 bytes An empty frame for constructing Robuddies. [https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15188 New sprite by Mister-Moriarty] It has been given 3/4th perspective and a general overhaul. 1
22:35, 4 August 2023 KrampusAnimated.gif (file) 4 KB Everyone's favorite festive troublemaking meatcube, now in full jiggling glory. 1
21:38, 4 August 2023 MurderV3.gif (file) 1 KB Your contract with Nanotrasen has been terminated, and your things have been packed for you. 1
07:59, 2 August 2023 MurderMULENew.png (file) 3 KB Get outta my way! War is a business, and Quartermasters are damn good at business. 1
07:57, 2 August 2023 MurderMULEV2.png (file) 3 KB   2
07:06, 2 August 2023 DeadStirstir.png (file) 1 KB A dead monkey tells no tales, and this one won't be spilling any secrets anytime soon. 1
06:47, 2 August 2023 BioSuitWorker.png (file) 1 KB Some nerd wearing a Biosuit who actually cares about preventing the spread of a flesh eating disease. Likely stays away from infected and wears a mask too. Will still get infected when a Traitor injects them with a syringe. 1
06:27, 2 August 2023 ViralAirborne.png (file) 3 KB An image depicting how even distances are ineffective when Airborne viruses transmit through long proximity and proximity to gibs. 1
06:26, 2 August 2023 ViralContact.png (file) 2 KB Imagine depicting how close contact can transmit a viral infection. 1
23:39, 29 July 2023 GlassVial.png (file) 297 bytes A glass vial used by Chemistry to hold anything from life saving medicine, to flesh melting acid and heart stopping poisons. Who knows what is in this one, but it's probably nothing good. 1
02:56, 28 July 2023 EngineeringLightSpaceHelmetV2.png (file) 564 bytes It's the inventory sprite for the engineering light space helmet, which offers less protection than a regular engineering space helmet but has no slowdown. Are we back on Mars again? This helmet design looks familiar... https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/pull/15054 Sprite by Flaborized.] 1
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