User talk:Baneofgiygas

From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 15:42, 16 April 2015 by Baneofgiygas (talk | contribs)
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If you're really looking for another project, I think you'd be better off with Supersonic's mechanics draft. As soon as Keelin returns to the materials project, fundamental changes are very likely, rendering the majority of the previous info obsolete. That's exactly what happened with Pyro after he spend 10+ hours of work on the page. Kills motivation. --Convair880 (talk) 04:46, 18 March 2015 (CDT)

Hey noticed you intend to update the material science. Also noted that you said it was horribly unfinished. I spent a few hours there researching on ores and found that not only is it unfinished, but the parts that are "finished" are broken.

Here's a pastebin of the material stuff

I'm missing the more "obscure" materials such as iridium, gold, leather, soulsteel, starstone and various other stuff, but it's pretty much complete

Here's the stuff that I noticed that are bunched:

  • Quality prefix does effect quality whatsoever. A shit uqill will have the same stats as a pretty uqill ore.
  • Smelting will take an average of the stats. This is often counter-intuitive, as it's while it's possible to make a uqill-koshmarite (the best combination there is) armor which will have high toughness and reflectability (resistant to laser fire), it'll have shit sheer strength (resistance to bombs) and mediocre compression (bullet) resistance. Currently there's no way of boosting these stats.
  • Alot of stats have minimal or pointless effects. That is an opinion, but at least it's a researched opinion rather than me just flippantly saying it. Also most stats are skewed in such a manner that it's impossible to for example; make a functioning spacesuit, as there's no ore with a low enough thermal conductivity to satisfy being an actual spacesuit (that is, not get damage from space)

Good luck :) --Sundance (talk) 09:56, 16 April 2015 (CDT)

Thanks for the info! I talked to Keelin on the IRC chat and he said that it's probably not a good idea to start work on the wiki page until the kinks of the system are worked out. Maybe send that info over to the forums in a thread for the subject? --Baneofgiygas (talk) 10:42, 16 April 2015 (CDT)