Talk:Staff Assistant

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Revision as of 18:33, 3 February 2013 by Dauntasa (talk | contribs)
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This is a fucking terrible page for Staff Assistant. All it says is HOW TO GRIEF. If new players were to come here and say "How do I play" and they see this, they will immediately start to grief. No no no no no you are not supposed to tell them how to break the rules. You are supposed to tell them how to do things and HINT at potential shittery without telling them full on --Katznelson (talk) 17:33, 31 January 2013 (UTC)

Thank to whoever fixed the Staff Assistant page.
People play Staff Assistant to fuck around and learn how shit works. There really isn't anything wrong with telling people how to steal shit and use it in order to better facilitate fucking around.--Dauntasa (talk)
Mainly the people who use the wiki are new players and they should know their job is to help, not be an ass every shift. -FrontlineAcrobat4 (talk)
Have you ever seen an assistant actually help anybody?--Dauntasa (talk)
we should not encourage new players to act like the jackasses while learning this complex game because they are going to do something fucking stupid because they don't understand the game mechanics then get banned. We also should not be telling people the job of assistant is "station asshole" by saying its ok to act like like a jerk just because you have the role.-FrontlineAcrobat4 (talk)
Thank you for consulting me before editing this, I'll be sure to do the same before I fix this article. P.S. Dear Frontlineacrobat4, please read the article before saying it encourages two different things that the article addresses directly multiple times. Love Dunnoman. --Dunnoman (talk) 08:20, 3 February 2013 (UTC)
Ok I posted on the forums to ask what people think about the two different guides so instead of having this constant back and forth we will let everyone else decide. -FrontlineAcrobat4 (talk)
I brought this up on IRC long before anyone even had issues with it and even presented it to some admins and everyone was fine with it. I'll be on IRC later today to talk to you but your current solution is terrible. --Dunnoman (talk) 16:37, 1 February 2013 (UTC)
Everyone learns to be a shithead sooner or later. You do not need to tell them how to do it straight out. The main problem here Dunnoman is the content. You are literally telling them how to be shit and break things. We have pages for that, its hinted at various places. What our job here is to inform them on the basics on playing the game and how they can help out the station. You can hint at potential shittery but I really dislike your job description as "to perform mildly traitorous acts". This basically sets the perceived notion of "griefing greyshirt" into solid stone and give the admins more work to do in banning. --Katznelson (talk) 18:34, 1 February 2013 (UTC)
Katz, the idea isn't to tell them to grief, it doesn't even truly say that. It is to try and convince the reader to put a toe in the water after all, it is hard to pick out the real hints from the sarcasm if you're a new player, also it tells them how to do it with some decency. If you honestly believe that loads of new players will just start griefing( mass murdering, bombing and etc) after reading this then I don't know what to say. I understand your concerns besides that, but I believe that if anything happens new players will start to distinguish themselves more often and interact with older ones more and the rest should be handled from there. Also, isn't what you're talking about in the end about banning and admin workload the exact reason the Mentor system was made? Yes? Okay then. --Dunnoman (talk) 18:52, 1 February
Oh sorry Dunnoman I never use IRC so I did not know this was disscused, I guess we will wait for an admin to decide since we are at an impasse. -FrontlineAcrobat4 (talk)
I've reverted the page back once again. If you're considering doing something like that then please, PLEASE, come to the IRC and talk with me first. --Dunnoman (talk) 08:20, 3 February 2013 (UTC)
I dont even know what IRC is so please post on the forums why you think this guide is better than the other one -FrontlineAcrobat4 (talk)
You know that big thing on the main page of the wiki that says OUR IRC CHANNEL IS etc.? Click that.-- Dauntasa (talk)