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You're a Quartermaster! Lets make Money!

Number One Hustla':

Your 'official' job capacity is to take orders from the crew for such things as medicines, bots, and weapons. In all actuality, most of the crew will never order anything, and if they do, it will almost certainly be weapons, and they will yell at you over the radio instead of ordering the item(s) at the request console.

All this free time allows you to a great many other things! lets see what those are!

Making Money!:

At the start of the game, the Quartermaster budget stands at a measly 10,000 space credits. You're not going to get very far with that! See that orange console near the airlock? time to get acquainted with it. You're going to be spending a large amount of time glued to it.

Managed to get over to the console without serious injury? well Done! click on the console and then click on 'view market'. This screen shows you the value of various commodities on the station, such as metal, robot parts, glass etc. What we want to do is find a commodity with a very high price/value, then sell it, giving us more money in our budget!

If you're lucky, something common like metal or glass might have a high price. Order metal and glass from the console, then resell it for a neat profit. Also consider bugging the miners for gems or the minerals Syreline and Cobryl; The miners can't use these, but they command a nice price on the market!

Selling and Ordering

All this talk of making money, and you don't even know how to order or sell things yet. Let's fix that!

Still on the quartermaster console? still breathing! Great!

To order items, get onto the 'order items' menu. What a dazzling array of options! all you need to do now is click on the item you want to order, then, if you feel like it, writing a reason for the order in the box that follows. But we're not done yet!

Finished ordering 10 crates of booze? lets get them to the station! From your console, select the option 'send to station' and the shuttle will arrive in around 3 minuets.

Items you can order!