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Meta gaming is a cardinal sin in Round based, role-playing games like SS13. It come in several shitty flavours:

Team Speak fuckery

You can certainly speak with your 2d Space pals via team speak, but you must tread a very careful line while doing so. Just generally chatting is OK, Telling your 'friends' in game or IC info is forbidden, e.g. telling them you are a traitor, ganging up together to kill people, calling for help over team speak if you are attacked etc.

If you are caught doing this, you will likely receive a permanent ban.

In Game Fuckery

This kind of shittery occurs in many different scenarios. It mainly entails doing preemptive actions to make the lives of Antagonist's harder,it is widley considered to be a dick move,and makes the round incredibly boring. Here are a few examples:

  • As Security, using your spiffy thermals to roam around the station to sniff out traitors for you to catch, and scream your brains out describing what's occuring.
  • As an AI, you find a suspicous person walknig around, and decide to lock them into a room and scream for Security to arrest, refusing to let them out for any reason.
  • As a Head, you decide to take all of the AI laws in Module Storage and hide them to prevent people from using them

Overall this generally boils down to the fact that you shouldn't talk about the current round outside of the game and you shouldn't start off the round by being a huge shit who deliberately fucks over every antagonist.