Guide to Genetics

From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 17:31, 22 June 2013 by Conor12 (talk | contribs) (All sections changed over to the new genetics, still needs some work, but it's a good start. More mutations need listed.)
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In addition to the basic work of cloning, the Geneticist has access to a DNA Modifier. This device can, with enough patience, reward you with superpowers, crippling diseases, or just amusing mutations.


The Building Blocks of Life

When a person (or monkey) is put into the DNA Modifier, the modifier's computer will allow the user to:

  • View Potential holds the character's possible superpowers and diseases. Unknown potentials can be researched. Mutations can be activated when the correct DNA sequence is entered.
  • View Mutations shows the active mutations of the occupant.
  • View Research shows the research which is currently taking place, and shows possible research and finished research.
  • Change Appearance allows the user to change several features of the occupant, such as their skin colour and hair.

The user can click on the printer icon at the bottom left to print out the current page onto a piece of paper. The paper can then be examined to bring up the page.

Cracking the Code

Mutations are composed of a series of paired blocks. Each block contains the values G, A, C, T or is empty. The DNA Modifier allows you to select blocks and modify them. What the geneticist is attempting to accomplish is figuring out what each empty block's value should be, and thus being able to pass that mutation to the occupant. In each pair of blocks, a G block always links to a C block, and a T block always links to an A block. Some values can be figured out immediately, while others need simple guesswork as you go through each possible combination.

Once the correct code is entered, the user can then activate the mutation. It will no longer appear in View Potential, and is now located in the View Mutations section.


Every mutation can be researched to find out what it does. If a mutation has not been researched, it is simply titled Unknown Mutation. Each mutation only needs to be researched once. Research is conducted by spending research materials, which are slowly gained over time. Additional research materials can be bought by spending money from the station's research budget. Extra features and upgrades to the machine can be bought directly from the View Research section.


The geneticist begins with several monkeys which have mutations just like people do, they are perfect for being tested on. Their mutations can also be researched and activated. When the sequence for a mutation has been discovered, it can be printed out with an appropriate label. This sequence can then be used to provide that mutation for a human who has it in their list of potential mutations.


Power Message Effect
Fire Resistance You feel warm. You are immune to high temperature and fire. You have a noticeable yellow aura.
Cold Resistance You are immune to low temperature and ice. You have a noticeable blue aura.
Glowy You permanently emit a strong red light.
Obesity Is fat. You are so fat that people may struggle to push your fat ass out of the way. Some of your clothes may also rip due to your extreme girth.
Blindness You can't see anything. Your screen goes black. You can't interact with anything, unless you have a VISOR, and even then you won't get feedback on your actions.
Deaf It's kinda quiet... You can't hear anything. Blessed silence may come as a relief once you've gotten sick of the regular radio chatter. To fix this without modifying DNA, you can equip an auditory headset.
Epilepsy You twitch. You will occasionally have seizures, passing out for the duration. You will shake violently, due to a bug this will persist even after the condition is cured.
Tourettes Your speech will occasionally come out as excited shouts in ALL CAPS!!!!
Cough You start coughing. You occasionally cough, dropping anything in your hands.
Near-Sighted Your vision becomes blurred, and darkened outside a small radius. Can be counteracted with Prescription Glasses.