Category:HUD Sprites
Revision as of 18:21, 4 February 2020 by SaccharineChampion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sprites found on the HUD - such as the inventory sections, ability buttons, and overlays caused by worn items or other identifiers which show up by people. Category:Sprites")
Sprites found on the HUD - such as the inventory sections, ability buttons, and overlays caused by worn items or other identifiers which show up by people.
Media in category "HUD Sprites"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 236 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 100HPHeart.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- 10HPHeart.gif 9 × 8; 169 bytes
- 25HPHeart.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- 50HPHeart.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- 75HPHeart.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- 80HPHeart.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- Absorb64.gif 64 × 64; 700 bytes
- AirOff.png 32 × 32; 287 bytes
- AirOn.png 32 × 32; 276 bytes
- Arcfiend ArcFlash.png 32 × 32; 365 bytes
- Arcfiend Discharge.png 32 × 32; 679 bytes
- Arcfiend Flash.png 32 × 32; 410 bytes
- Arcfiend JammingField.png 32 × 32; 480 bytes
- Arcfiend Jolt.png 32 × 32; 780 bytes
- Arcfiend Polarize.png 32 × 32; 467 bytes
- Arcfiend Ride The Lightning.png 32 × 32; 386 bytes
- Arcfiend SapPower.png 32 × 32; 714 bytes
- ArrestIcon.png 10 × 10; 261 bytes
- AstralProjection.png 32 × 32; 309 bytes
- Attack64.gif 64 × 64; 664 bytes
- Brand.png 32 × 32; 314 bytes
- Bridge64.gif 64 × 64; 582 bytes
- Buildecto64.gif 64 × 64; 673 bytes
- Buildlauncher64.gif 64 × 64; 697 bytes
- Buildlipid64.gif 64 × 64; 678 bytes
- Buildlipid64new.gif 64 × 64; 745 bytes
- Buildmito64.gif 64 × 64; 623 bytes
- Buildplasma64.gif 64 × 64; 754 bytes
- Buildreclaimer64.gif 64 × 64; 705 bytes
- Buildreflect64.gif 64 × 64; 672 bytes
- Buildthick64.gif 64 × 64; 555 bytes
- BunsenBurnerSettingHigh.png 16 × 16; 387 bytes
- BunsenBurnerSettingLow.png 16 × 16; 398 bytes
- BunsenBurnerSettingMedium.png 16 × 16; 426 bytes
- BunsenBurnerSettingOff.png 16 × 16; 288 bytes
- ChangelingIconAbsorbDNA.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconAcidSpit.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconButtcrab.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconDevour.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconDNASting.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconEyespider.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconGrantControlToHivemindMember.png 32 × 32; 462 bytes
- ChangelingIconHallucingenicSting.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconHandspider.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconHorrorForm.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconLegworm.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconLesserForm.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconMimicVoice.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconMorphArm.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconNeurotoxinSting.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconRegenerativeStasis.png 60 × 62; 945 bytes
- ChangelingIconScreech.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconSilenceHivemindMember.png 60 × 62; 857 bytes
- ChangelingIconSpeakHivemind.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ChangelingIconSpeedRegenerate.png 60 × 62; 2 KB
- ChangelingIconTransform.png 60 × 62; 1 KB
- ClonerImplantedHeartOverlay.png 9 × 8; 204 bytes
- ClonerImplantedSymbol.png 4 × 4; 155 bytes
- Color64.gif 64 × 64; 682 bytes
- Consume64.gif 64 × 64; 937 bytes
- ContrabandIcon.png 10 × 10; 239 bytes
- CritHeart.gif 9 × 8; 577 bytes
- CyberOrgansSymbol.png 5 × 5; 155 bytes
- CyborgBatteryDistressIndicator.gif 10 × 15; 239 bytes
- DeadHeart.png 9 × 8; 206 bytes
- Deploy64.gif 64 × 64; 657 bytes
- DetainIcon.png 10 × 10; 262 bytes
- Digest64.gif 64 × 64; 749 bytes
- Dnahotbar.png 40 × 35; 781 bytes
- Featherdrone-abilities10.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities11.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities3.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities4.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities5.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities6.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities7.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities8.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-abilities9.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Featherdrone-ui1.gif 64 × 64; 12 KB
- Featherdrone-ui11.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- Featherdrone-ui35.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Featherdrone-ui7.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Featherdrone-ui9.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Fireresistmembrane64.gif 64 × 64; 777 bytes
- FlockmindAbilityIconPlaceholder.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- FlockmindDesignatePriorityTileV2-64x64.png 64 × 64; 776 bytes
- FreshlyOiledStatusEffect.png 16 × 16; 553 bytes
- GhostIconAfterlifeBar.png 30 × 30; 725 bytes
- GhostIconCrewCredits.png 32 × 32; 281 bytes
- GhostIconFightForYourLife32.png 32 × 32; 638 bytes
- GhostIconGhostDrone32.png 32 × 32; 464 bytes
- GhostIconGhostVRIcon32.png 32 × 32; 453 bytes
- GhostIconHideHUD.png 30 × 30; 416 bytes
- GhostIconObserve.png 30 × 30; 814 bytes
- GhostIconPersonalSummary.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- GhostIconReenterCorpse.png 30 × 30; 772 bytes
- GhostIconRespawnAsAnimal32.png 32 × 32; 529 bytes
- GhostIconSpawnMenu32.png 32 × 32; 446 bytes
- GhostIconTeleport.png 30 × 30; 652 bytes
- GhostIconToggleGangTerritoryOverlay.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- GhostIconToggleLighting.png 30 × 30; 700 bytes
- GhostIconToggleSeeingHealth.png 32 × 32; 307 bytes
- GrinchCloakIconV2-64x64.png 64 × 64; 700 bytes
- GrinchMurderIconV2-64x64.png 64 × 64; 774 bytes
- GrinchPoisonIconV2-64x64.png 64 × 64; 699 bytes
- GrinchVandalizeIconV2-64x64.png 64 × 64; 645 bytes
- HeadRevIcon.png 10 × 10; 248 bytes
- HealthImplantedHeartOverlay.png 9 × 8; 200 bytes
- HealthImplantedSymbol.png 5 × 5; 201 bytes
- HealthImplantNewHUD.png 28 × 28; 676 bytes
- Help64.gif 64 × 64; 578 bytes
- ImplantedHealthAndClonerSymbol.png 9 × 8; 198 bytes
- IncarceratedIcon.png 10 × 10; 311 bytes
- Indicator Bleeding.png 30 × 30; 444 bytes
- Indicator fire.png 32 × 32; 366 bytes
- Indicator Fire.png 30 × 30; 765 bytes
- Indicator oxygen.png 32 × 32; 376 bytes
- Indicator Oxygen.png 30 × 30; 500 bytes
- Indicator Radiation.png 30 × 30; 556 bytes
- Indicator tox.png 31 × 32; 303 bytes
- Indicator Toxins.png 30 × 30; 696 bytes
- IndicatorBleeding.png 30 × 30; 396 bytes
- InHand.png 15 × 12; 288 bytes
- KudzupersonIconGuideGrowth.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- KudzupersonIconHealingTouch.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- KudzupersonIconSpeakKudzu.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- KudzupersonIconStealth.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- LoyaltyImplantedIcon.png 10 × 10; 199 bytes
- Manifest.png 32 × 32; 282 bytes
- MaskSlot.png 32 × 32; 738 bytes
- Medium.png 32 × 32; 332 bytes
- Notes.png 32 × 32; 391 bytes
- ObserveObject.png 32 × 32; 494 bytes
- OiledStatusEffect.png 16 × 16; 551 bytes
- Omen.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- ParoledIcon.png 10 × 10; 320 bytes
- Poisonresistance64.gif 64 × 64; 638 bytes
- Reinforce64.gif 64 × 64; 598 bytes
- ReleasedIcon.png 10 × 10; 314 bytes
- Repair64.gif 64 × 64; 604 bytes
- Replicator64.gif 64 × 64; 702 bytes
- Seance.png 32 × 32; 535 bytes
- SoulJar.png 32 × 32; 397 bytes
- SpooktoberGhostIconDecorate64.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- SpooktoberGhostIconLevitate64.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- SpooktoberGhostIconMakeASpookySound64.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- SpooktoberGhostIconManifest64.png 64 × 64; 656 bytes
- SpooktoberGhostIconSpookyWriting.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- SpooktoberGhostIconSummonBat64.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- Spread64.gif 64 × 64; 723 bytes
- SummonThunderStaff64x64.PNG 64 × 64; 1 KB
- SuspectIcon.png 10 × 10; 229 bytes
- TellFortune.png 32 × 32; 657 bytes
- ToggleSeeingGhosts.png 32 × 32; 282 bytes
- Toxold.png 32 × 32; 243 bytes
- Upgradefire64.gif 64 × 64; 693 bytes
- Upgradegen64.gif 64 × 64; 713 bytes
- Upgradespread64.gif 64 × 64; 774 bytes
- VampireIconBite.png 64 × 64; 857 bytes
- VampireIconBloodSteal.png 64 × 64; 762 bytes
- VampireIconBloodTracking.png 64 × 64; 622 bytes
- VampireIconCallFrostBats.png 64 × 64; 840 bytes
- VampireIconCancelStuns.png 64 × 64; 867 bytes
- VampireIconChiropteranScreech.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- VampireIconDiseasedTouch.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- VampireIconEnthrall.png 64 × 64; 739 bytes
- VampireIconGlare.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- VampireIconHideCoffin.png 64 × 64; 793 bytes
- VampireIconHypnotize.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- VampireIconMistForm.png 64 × 64; 945 bytes
- VampireIconSpeakToGhouls.png 64 × 64; 750 bytes
- VampireIconSummonBats.png 64 × 64; 1,018 bytes
- WerewolfHowlIcon.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WerewolfMaulIcon.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WerewolfPounceIcon.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WerewolfTaintedBiteIcon.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WerewolfThrashIcon.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WerewolfThrowIcon.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WerewolfTransformIcon.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WizardIconAnimateDead.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconBalefulPolymorph.png 60 × 64; 927 bytes
- WizardIconBlind.png 64 × 64; 945 bytes
- WizardIconBlink.png 64 × 64; 902 bytes
- WizardIconBullsCharge.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconClairvoyance.png 64 × 64; 998 bytes
- WizardIconClownRevenge.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconDefault.png 32 × 32; 2 KB
- WizardIconDoppleganger.png 64 × 64; 1,023 bytes
- WizardIconEmpower.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconFireball.png 64 × 64; 1,001 bytes
- WizardIconForcewall.png 64 × 64; 807 bytes
- WizardIconIceBurst.png 64 × 64; 983 bytes
- WizardIconKnock.png 64 × 64; 791 bytes
- WizardIconMagicMissiles.png 64 × 64; 1,015 bytes
- WizardIconPandemonium.png 64 × 64; 1,009 bytes
- WizardIconPhaseShift.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconPrismaticSpray.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- WizardIconRathenSecret.png 64 × 64; 1 KB
- WizardIconShockingGrasp.png 64 × 64; 998 bytes
- WizardIconSoulguard.png 32 × 32; 2 KB