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Alec Ryan's Robusting Tips

This is a list of some obscure tools and features, that can help you in a pinch. Some of these are well known, but others are not.


Teeny Tiny Hammer

It is a 10 damage tiny item, and it does 33 stamina damage! Usually found on an incompetent captain.


Just an unassuming plate, right? Nope! If you hit someone with a plate using harm intent, you'll bash it over their head, briefly stunning them! The smashing also yields a shard of glass.

Network Diagnostics Cart

Learn hacking. Just do it.

Bo Jack Daniel's

If you force someone to drink a lot of it in one go, and it can knock them out for a while.

Boxing Gloves

A poor man's insulated gloves, as they can block minor electric shocks.

Camera Monitor

A good tool for checking out dangerous areas, and completing photo spy thief objectives.


Does a whopping 40 stamina damage. Perfect for knocking people down. Also contains tools.

Broken Bottles

If you're in need of a good stabbing tool in a pinch, simply smash a bottle on a table, and voila! Does 20 stamina damage, along with a chance to cause bleeding.

Oxygen Tanks

These do an amazing 35 stamina damage! This applies to the emergency oxygen tank too.

Razor Blade

A handy blade, that does 10 damage, and causes bleeding.


Everyone knows about the farting. However, did you know about its storage? The bible has 7 slots, and they have a shared inventory. Chaplains are expert smugglers.

Map Features

Hidden Chapel Room

In the right side confession room there is a false wall on the bottom, that can be used to access a secret room (It is also accessible with maintenance access). In it is a wrench (useful tool), zip gun (if you're desperate), and drugs, for force feeding people!

Recycling Room

Located right next to the janitor's office, the recycling room contains many useful things. There's a fuel tank (for big booms), blue toolbox, floorpills statue, CheMaster 3000, black gloves, weed


Surprisingly, it's not full of junk! You can find a flash, utility belt, and in the upper area, there's a general manufacturer, to get tools.

Tech Storage

Located below the warehouse, in maintenance. Contains a screwdriver, flash, and sometimes a Network Diagnostics Cart. Also, if you're a packet nerd, it's paradise.