
From Space Station 13 Wiki
Revision as of 10:59, 8 April 2021 by DisturbHerb (talk | contribs) (page created, job templates, yay. nukie is being weird, though.)
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Job Title
Difficulty: Undefined
Requirements: Undefined
Access Level: Undefined
Roleplay Access Level: Undefined
Supervisors: Undefined
Subordinates: Undefined
Responsibilities: Undefined
Guides: Undefined

Usage Guide

  • The job title and department names should be all upper-case for consistency and appearance.
  • Department colours should be standardised across all wiki articles. A provisional colour palette has been left below.
Department/Role Colour Palette
Dept. Name Civilian Medical Research Security Antagonist Engineering Command Silicon
Whole Dept. #92BFC5 #7C7CCA #B36CB3 #C66A6A #FFB051 #FFFF70 #42D342 #888888
Individual Role #97C3F0 #A5A5DA #DDBBDD #DEA3A3 #FFD197 #FFFFC8 #98D998 #BBBBBB

Parameter Definitions

Any fields left intentionally blank should have "None" placed in them.

  • Difficulty is, well, how difficult a role is for a player to perform in.
  • Requirements are any prerequisites that must be acquired before a role can be played. For example, the HoS requires a player to be whitelisted via forum application.
  • Access Level denotes the places that a play with the role can go on round start.
  • Roleplay Access Level denotes additional levels of access a role gets on the roleplay servers. If there is no difference, this field can be left blank.
  • Supervisors are the roles above this one in the chain of command.
  • Subordinates are the roles below this one in the chain of command.
  • Responsibilities are the duties and responsibilities expected of the role during a round.
  • Guides are where you can put any additional guides on the wiki for newer players to read through.


Staff Assistant:

Staff Assistant
Staff Assistant
Difficulty: Easy
Requirements: None
Access Level: Maintenance
Roleplay Access Level: None
Supervisors: Head of Personnel, Captain
Subordinates: None
Responsibilities: Assisting others when requested, not blowing up the station
Guides: Getting Started, Game FAQ


Difficulty: All-Access Staff Assistant (Medium to Hard)
Requirements: None
Access Level: All-access, except for the Head of Security's office
Roleplay Access Level: None
Supervisors: Central Command
Subordinates: All on-station staff and Heads of Department
Responsibilities: Make sure your departments are working productively, fill-in for command roles as needed, dying in an honourable duel for your sweet-ass sword
Guides: None

Nuclear Operative: {{jobDetailsHeader |jobTitle = Nuclear Operative |department = ANTAGONIST |departmentBgColour = #FFB051 |departmentTextColour = white |jobBgColour = #FFD197 |jobTextColour = black |img = NewNukeOp64.png |difficulty = Hard |requirements = None |access = Maintenance, Listening Post, Syndicate Battlecruiser, anything you can bust apart with explosives or hack open |rpAccess = None |supervisors = Syndicate, Syndicate Commander |subordinates = Anyone you can coerce with your weapons and intimidating armour |responsibilities = Plant the nuclear device in an area where it will not be immediately disarmed, steal the authentication disk, get slipped by the clown and promptly beaten to death |guides = [[Being A Better Traitor], Guide to Being Robust, Guide to Murder }}