There are many different vehicles that can be found on Goonstation, for all of your drunk driving needs.
Respect my Authoritah
The Security department's personal fleet, and the proud vehicle of mall cops across the country. Drag and drop your character on it to mount. It's the fastest non-antagonist vehicle in the game that isn't a pod. Running into anyone while riding will fling you over the handlebars. You can be pushed off this vehicle. It also has lights and siren so that you can warn people to get out of the way annoy the entire fucking station.
Buff-R-Matic 3000
Slip n Slide
The Janitor's personal vehicle. Drag and drop your character on it to operate. It has a 200 unit tank of whatever chemicals you want to put in it, although it starts with a mixture of water and space cleaner. You can be pushed off of this thing and expect to be pushed off almost immediately due to the fact that you're making everyone fall on their ass. And then it will be stolen and spaced or used to make everyone else fall down.
Staplerfahrer Klaus!
The best vehicle ever. Nothing else comes close to the awesomeness. Free for everyone to use, but designed for the QM department. It's found in the warehouse. Unlike other vehicles that aren't Pods or Putts, you have to actually select "Enter Forklift" to get on. You can still be pushed off though. It can carry three crates at once, ignores plastic flaps, and it has an amber emergency light to warn crew you're coming through and light your way a little bit. Can be disabled permanently with a screwdriver and a pair of wirecutters preventing people from moving it, turning it into a barricade. Also, the best part, the AI cannot track you while inside the forklift, and anyone yelling at out from outside have to use the radio or you can't hear them. And if someone is in a crate their screaming for help will actually be seen as them being inside the forklift and not the crate. It will also keep moving without you if you don't apply the brake, especially if you get pushed off or get out to activate a computer or something. Doesn't run people over, sadly. Also, if you run into the crusher it'll eat the forklift but safely eject you so you can run, unlike other vehicles! Worst part is attempting to flip while inside one will give you a concussion and knock you unconscious.
Clown Car
A fun Traitor vehicle. Drag and drop your character on it while wearing at least two Clown clothing items and prepare for fun. It can run people over to cause damage. They can also be stuffed into the car with drag and drop or by manually grabbing them. Up to 30 crew members can find themselves trapped in the backseat. Crashing into a wall will fling the driver through the windshield and has a chance to free the passengers. Anybody clicking on the car with an empty hand can open the door to let them out.
Hi I'm Daisy
A fun virtual vehicle! Drag and drop your character on it and GOTTA GO FAST!!! It's mainly only used in the VR world, but sometimes they're found on the station. Unlike many other vehicles you cannot be pushed off a go-kart. In the VR simulation, these can also pick up and use powerups!
Pods and Putts
Red 3 Standing By
See Space Pod
Ridable Cats
It's just a skinned Segway. If you see one, get on it. This is the closest thing to cat people we will have on the server, so get used to it you creepy pervert.
Get in.
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