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'''Sponge:''' Use on sink to fill with water, use in hand to wring out and empty all water, use on tile to lay down puddle that cleans all stain types, then soak water back up, use directly on stain to clean stain, use on bloody items to clean them.

== Introduction ==
'''Mop:''' Use on bucket to wet mop, use mop on tiles to put down puddle that cleans blood/vomit, soak back up, use on bucket again if dry.

Hi! I’m Zooblar Skrippus, some of you have probably seen me on Goon1, running around in the party princess dress, either silently mopping up the latest disaster, fixing hull breaches, or snitching over the radio, i’ve done a lot of cleaning over the last few months and i’ve run into enough rookie Janitors that need help that I figured it’d be good to write up a guide to help people on their way.  
'''Bucket:''' Can be used from backpack or pocket, fill with water/cleaning fluid mix for best results, click mop on bucket to refill, do not use to refill sponge, it will use all of the bucket’s water, use bucket in hand to dump contents/make into helmet, use in hand again to revert to bucket.

Being a janitor is a good job to try out when you get started, but that doesn’t mean it’s an especially simple job, it might seem inconsequential at times but trust me, once people start slipping in pools of blood or doctors can’t find the medicine they just dropped because there’s empty syringes all over the place, it can very quickly become an actual life or death situation, and it’s also bad for morale for every part of the station to be covered in vomit and bloody footsteps, and bad morale can make all the difference.
'''Spray Bottle:''' Use on tile to clean items in tile, good for containers, do not use directly on stains or you will pollute bottle.

In this guide i’m going to cover all the different pieces of equipment we have available, how to use them, and how to deal with certain situations that might arise, hopefully it can be helpful in your journey to become a great asset to this wonderful station.
'''Vacuum:''' use on adjacent tile to suck up all small objects, or miasma/gas clouds, when full, click on trash chute or sink to empty, use in hand to remove bucket/bag, use these on vacuum to place them back inside it.

'''Towel:''' Use on bloody crewmembers/items to clean them.

== Your gear ==
'''Cleaning grenades:''' Use in hand to pull pin, then throw, will create slippery area for a few seconds, when it dissipates all messes on floors should be cleaned.

=== Clothing and PPE ===
'''Trash Cart:''' Drag item into cart to place all similar items in the cart in adjacent tiles at once, place on top of large floor trash chute and drag from cart to chute to move all items from cart into chute, may take some time to complete, will get a message when done.

==== Outfit ====
'''Garbage Bags:''' Place items inside, if you want to remove a random item from bag, hold in one hand and use it with your other hand.
This is the part where you’ll always have the most freedom, it can be nice to stick with the Janitor’s overalls just for recognition purposes, but I’m a dipshit who runs around in a goddamn blue princess dress all day and people still know i’m a janitor, so trust me, wear whatever you want, Maid outfit, a nice suit, rainbow overalls, suspenders and nothing else, go wild!

==== Galoshes ====
'''Body Bags:''' Use in hand to place on floor, use bag on floor to open and close it, drag bag from floor into hand to hold again.
The Galoshes are boots that ignore any tile that would cause you to slip, except for space lube, every janitor starts with a pair and it can be remarkably difficult to get another pair, Horizon has a few extra pairs in lockers, and there’s some floating in space on some maps.
I cannot overstate how important these are, as a janitor you will constantly be on the frontlines of messes, and I often forget how powerful the Galoshes are, but then when i don’t have them i’m slipping on my butt over and over and i just want to start screaming, these shoes are a vital part of any janitor’s gear and you must protect them, other people will desire them and try take them from you.
==== Gloves ====
These should be in the locker when you start, functionally they’re the same as an engineer’s insulated gloves, which means you won’t get shocked by stuff you touch, great if you decide to repair doors and stuff while you clean, you can get extra from the Janitech machine.
==== Headwear ====
Another place where you have plenty of freedom, If you stick with it long enough you’ll get the lovely Head of Sanitation beret, which is what i usually rock, but you have total freedom here.
==== Mask ====
You’ll usually want some kind of breathing mask, you’re going to have plenty of situations where you’re going into depressurised rooms or clouds of dangerous chemicals, usually the basic mask in your box when you spawn is good enough but an emergency mask works too.
=== Containers ===
==== Backpack ====
With how many tools you need to carry around to be effective, you’ll usually want to hang onto this, not much to say, it’s a backpack.
==== Tool Belt/Fanny Pack ====
If you have the change, it’s always a good idea to pick up one of these, it’ll give you so much more flexibility, you can load a bunch of your tools into it, or if you want to be like me and go the Janitor/Repairman route, you can fill them up with all the tools you’ll need to fix any busted doors you see, dismantle any annoying walls people put up across the hallways, and whatever other totally legal things you want to do with them!
==== Boxes ====
I don’t use boxes as much as i should, but they’re great for shoving all of your lesser-used stuff into, you can carry around an extra bottle of space cleaner for topping stuff up, maybe have a secondary spray bottle for if the first runs out, or just use it to stuff any random fun stuff you find into.
== Your tools ==
=== The Holy Trinity (Always carry these) ===
==== Mop ====
For me, the mop is the thing i use to get most of my work done, it can be a little fiddly to get used to at first, but it can clean basically any tile-based mess (With the proper application of space cleaner), and it can soak up gigantic spills in seconds, essential on the underwater maps (But if people aren’t plugging up hull breaches it can be a real losing battle, to use you just wet the mop in a bucket, then click on a tile to put down a pool of the water you wet the mop with, and then click on the pool again to mop it up, once you get used to the rhythm it can be fairly quick and easy to use, comes in blue, with an orange variant available as a job reward.
==== Sponge ====
I was actually pretty late to learning how good the sponge is, but man, this thing is useful, just use it on a sink to fill it up with water, and then you can click on messes directly to clean them at a cost of some of the water in the sponge, or you can click on a tile and put down a pool of water, similarly to the mop, but with a slightly slower flow because it’ll pop up a prompt, but then you can soak up the water again so you don’t lose any, the nice thing here is that unlike the mop, you don’t need space cleaner in there.
Also if your sponge doesn’t have anything in it, it can soak up clouds of gas and miasma, you will need to wring it out into a bucket once it fills up but it can be a really good way to clear out a cloud of sarin or some other nonsense someone has decided to release, just remember that your sponge will contain what it soaks up, so don’t smack yourself in the face with your sarin-filled sponge.
==== Spray Bottle (With space cleaner) ====
Ever tried to clean a bloody box or backpack with a sponge only to have it eat up your poor sponge? That’s what the spray bottle is for, you can spray it onto a tile and it’ll clean up any containers on that tile, backpacks, belts, boxes, wall cabinets, it also cleans up any messes on any tile, at a cost of a few units of space cleaner each time you spray.
=== Other must-haves ===
==== Buckets ====
As a cleaner you’ll always want some method of wetting your cleaning tools, either a regular small bucket or one of the big blue mop buckets, each has advantages and disadvantages.
Small Bucket
Regular buckets are available in every janitor closet, can be ordered from the Janitech machine, and one of your job rewards is a lovely red bucket, they have a relatively small capacity but make up for this with the ability to place them in your pocket, this is the choice if you want high mobility, but you will be giving up an inventory slot for it.
==== Mop Bucket ====
This is what i always used until recently, much larger capacity, but the downside is that you have to drag it around with you and babysit it, and no matter how much you try to dodge people, they WILL run into it and absolutely refuse to stop or adjust their direction slightly until they’ve taken it to the entire other end of the hallway. I still think it’s an incredible tool but since i moved to the smaller buckets i’ve loved my increased agility.
==== Garbage Bags ====
Even though garbage disposal chutes are all over the station, people love just dropping anything they don’t need anymore directly onto the floor, most of these don’t actually pose any threat to people, other than banana peels, but keeping the station tidy is part of your job, garbage bags are great for this, you have limited inventory space, and you can stick a garbage bag in your pocket, fill it up with random rubbish and then dump it into the chute, once the garbage bag has anything in it, it can’t be returned to your pocket, though, so keep that in mind, if you accidentally grab it you’ll need to empty it by holding the bag in one hand and clicking on it with an empty hand, one thing at a time, garbage bags are also great for moving really bulky items or things you want to move around in secret, they can contain large items and still hang on your pocket.
There’s two types, regular black ones and red hazardous material bags, functionally they’re the same, if you want to roleplay the red ones would be for syringes and bodyparts and stuff, but you can really just use any of them.
=== Handy Stuff ===
==== Cleaning Grenades ====
Great for taking the initiative, sometimes mess will build up to a level where you just can’t respond fast enough, this is what cleaning grenades are for, use them when all of medbay is a mess of blood and vomit, try to warn people ahead of time, as it will make them slip, but these things can really save your sanity.
==== Flashlight/PDA Flashlight upgrade ====
You’ll probably be travelling through maintenance corridors a lot, so having some extra light is really handy, part of your job is replacing broken lightbulbs, too, so you’ll want the extra light while doing that, if you want to install a PDA flashlight upgrade you’ll need a screwdriver and a crowbar.
==== Replacement Light Tube/Bulb boxes ====
There’s a few of these in each Janitor closet, and usually a few boxes laying around the station, and you can make more at a general manufacturer, a big part of your job is keeping the station as safe as possible, and a dimly lit area is one where bad stuff is much more likely to happen, whenever you replace a light, you’ll end up with a broken one, you can stuff those into your garbage bag but i usually just stick it back into the box, that way when you’ve used up the box you can shove it into a garbage bag and only fill one slot rather than fill an entire bag.
==== Mechanic Tools ====
A crowbar is a must, you’ll constantly need to open fire barriers, and you’ll want to be able to pry up floor tiles for replacement after they get damaged, and it’s incredibly handy to be able to just grab a few floor tiles to quickly mend a hull breach, the other tools aren’t as vital, i like having a full set just because I enjoy fixing doors and being able to clear up barriers.
==== Fire Extinguisher ====
These are all over the station, learn how to use them, you’ll be extinguishing burning people all the time, remember, as a janitor you’ll often be a first responder to an emergency just due to the fact that you’re constantly moving all over the station, also it’s good for bonking people over the head with it if you need to.
=== Chems ===
==== Space Cleaner ====
Your workhorse chem, comes in 50 unit bottles, if you’re going to use the mop, you’ll always want some of this in the water, i usually put 20 units in a regular bucket, and 50+ in a mop bucket, usually aim for a quarter of the mix to be space cleaner.
(1) Ammonia + (1) Ethanol + (1) Water -> (3) Space Cleaner
==== Acetone ====
This stuff is good for cleaning up after someone goes to town on the floor with a marker. I’ll usually add 10-20 units of it to any chem mix i’m using with a mop.
(1) Oil + (1) Welding Fuel + (1) Oxygen -> (3) Acetone
==== Fluorosurfactant ====
This is the stuff that’s in cleaning grenades! When it comes in contact with water it bubbles up and spreads everything in the mix into a big area, you can do some fun stuff with it but it can be hard to use well.
(2) Fluorine + (2) Carbon + (1) Sulfuric Acid -> (5) Fluorosurfactant
=== How to clean anything ===
==== Floor and Wall tiles ====
What you’ll mainly be cleaning, there are many kinds of messes that you’ll have to deal with on these, but all are fairly easily defeated.
==== Pools of Fluid ====
Here’s what the mop is best at
=== Dealing with people ===

Latest revision as of 01:43, 5 September 2022

Sponge: Use on sink to fill with water, use in hand to wring out and empty all water, use on tile to lay down puddle that cleans all stain types, then soak water back up, use directly on stain to clean stain, use on bloody items to clean them.

Mop: Use on bucket to wet mop, use mop on tiles to put down puddle that cleans blood/vomit, soak back up, use on bucket again if dry.

Bucket: Can be used from backpack or pocket, fill with water/cleaning fluid mix for best results, click mop on bucket to refill, do not use to refill sponge, it will use all of the bucket’s water, use bucket in hand to dump contents/make into helmet, use in hand again to revert to bucket.

Spray Bottle: Use on tile to clean items in tile, good for containers, do not use directly on stains or you will pollute bottle.

Vacuum: use on adjacent tile to suck up all small objects, or miasma/gas clouds, when full, click on trash chute or sink to empty, use in hand to remove bucket/bag, use these on vacuum to place them back inside it.

Towel: Use on bloody crewmembers/items to clean them.

Cleaning grenades: Use in hand to pull pin, then throw, will create slippery area for a few seconds, when it dissipates all messes on floors should be cleaned.

Trash Cart: Drag item into cart to place all similar items in the cart in adjacent tiles at once, place on top of large floor trash chute and drag from cart to chute to move all items from cart into chute, may take some time to complete, will get a message when done.

Garbage Bags: Place items inside, if you want to remove a random item from bag, hold in one hand and use it with your other hand.

Body Bags: Use in hand to place on floor, use bag on floor to open and close it, drag bag from floor into hand to hold again.