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"The art of silence speaks to the soul, like music, making comedy and tragedy, involving you and your life. . . . creating character and space, by making a whole show on stage – showing our lives, our dreams, our expectations"

-- (Marcel Marceau)

The Mime is the quiet counterpart to the Clown, an artist who says much without saying single word at all. They spawn physically unable to speak due to a mutation and are encouraged to find creative ways to express themselves and entertain the crew, such as by emoting, drawing on the floor with crayons, or passing pictures. They can be easily identified by their snazzy striped suit, suspenders, beret, and iconic mask; some maps have an extra set of these as well as an alternative set of dungarees, scarf and bowler hat somewhere, usually in a wardrobe in either the Chapel or Crew Lounge, for this silent performer.

The Mime is available as a gimmick job on all days, with an extra slot on Mondays. Go forth and entertain!

Speaking without Talking

While you could communicate through PDA messages or machine talk implants like a player monkey, you're missing out on the core experience that makes miming, both in SS13 and in general, so fun, and that's creatively expressing yourself without using words at all. After, there's reason mimes are sometimes called mime artists.

Or, think of it this way: playing Mime on Goonstation is like playing one long game of Charades. The inability to speak can feel restrictive, but can also encourage some creative--and enjoyable--workarounds you may not normally consider, and watching people hilariously misinterpret your antics and responding to them is a huge part of the charm for many people.

The Art of Custom Emotes

note to self describe how to use custom, customv, and me after checking if they can be done and looking at what they look like 

If playing Mime is like playing charades, then custom emotes is the closest thing to playing charades on Goonstation! If you're in WASD Mode (toggle it via the Interface menu in the Game menu in the top left), you can press M to do a custom emote, a little bit of text you make that describes your character doing something. For example, if you're Jean the Mime, entering "whistles" (notice you don't have your character name in there) will output something like:

Jean the Mime whistles

Customs emotes are very freeform, so you can have plenty of room to express yourself. Let's say for example you're at the Bar, and the Barman asks if you want a drink. You want a martini. You can might do something like the following:

Quiet turns an imaginary crank on an invisible engine. 
Quiet puckers as if they've tasted something bitter.
Three Dot makes an O with their index finger and thumb. 
Three Dot makes an O with their index finger and thumb. 
Three Dot holds up seven fingers.
Michel Marceau hums a few bars of "Tomorrow Never Dies".

These are all perfectly acceptable ways of using custom emotes. One thing that is not acceptable, though, is stuff like "Silent One curt rustle is a changeling", where you're basically using custom emotes like regular talk. Like a Clown forgoing their clown shoes, while it's not against the Rules, it is highly frowned upon. Other than that, have fun!

The Writing on the Wall

By clicking on a floor tile with a crayon, you can draw a variety of shapes and pictograms to suit your inner visual artist. How about a portrait of the Head of Security? What does "Captain smells" look like in simple geometric shapes? Can you depict the conditions of Medbay as modern abstract art? (Don't worry about your art skill--you don't need any for that one!) A picture can say a thousand words--and you don't have to actually speak any of them.

Note, S'il Vous Plaît

Click on a piece of paper or a floor tile with a pen or similar, and you'll write down whatever you put in the prompt. While you can just write what you want to say on a piece of paper and hand it to someone, and it's alright and fine, why not have a little fun and mischief? Translate your messages into French through Google Translate and watch the crew attempt to piece together what little French they know, or, better yet, reply with equally bad French. Or, instead of words, put ASCII art--the worse you are, the funnier it'll be! If the visual arts aren't your thing, try carefully describing a picture or making word puzzles. The pen is mighty indeed when it comes to miming. Guide to writing may be of use to you.

The Clown and You

On some servers, the Clown and Mime are canonically enemies, or at least rivals. You may wonder if this is the case on Goonstation. The short answer is: if it makes things more interesting/entertaining, they are!

The long answer is that the clown-mime dynamic can be whatever you want it to be (as long as it's within the Rules, obviously). You have that artistic freedom! What if, for example, you and the Clown joined together to amuse the crew? After all, sometimes, the best response to a honking wise-guy/gal's wacky jokes and antics for a straight-man/woman to treat them as perfectly normal...or maybe even join in them!

The enemies relationship alone has many different variations. Perhaps you and the clown are interservice rivals, like branches of the armed forces; you and the clown may throw highly colorful insults at each other all the time, every time, but at the end of the day, the two of you are working together to put on a good show. Maybe it's like Spy vs. Spy, in that you two are mortal enemies, but fight with deliciously over-the-top and cartoonish (sometimes literally) antics; perhaps the clown likes to suplex you when you pretend there's an invisible wall, so you piss in their balloons when they aren't looking. Foes come in many different forms, and the resulting conflict make for some truly fun stories!

Supplementary Video

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