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The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable experience for all, player and admin alike.  We try to keep limitations on personal playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and entertaining game for the players.  They're not intended to gate certain people out of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.
| style="font-size:200%;" |'''THE BIG RED WARNING BOX! READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU MESS UP!'''
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==General Game Rules==
#'''Don't grief.''' This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping, crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that explodes, lube smokes, placing radioactive flooring, etc. are all griefy.  As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than 10 minutes for a normal player to fix, or you're intentionally creating an indiscriminate hazard (especially in a high-traffic area), it is covered by this rule. If someone is confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways.  Antagonists and emagged cyborgs may ignore this rule whenever they want to. Mindhacks and thralls may ignore this rule when their orders contradict it- see [[Mindhack Rules]]. Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as people. They might be coming back.  '''A longer discussion of grief and what does and doesn't constitute it is available [[Grief|here]].''' <b style='color:red'>Do not harm anyone in arrivals unless they have purposefully retreated there after previously roaming the station, and even then, only if you or they are an antagonist.</b>
|'''Being Shit and breaking the Rules is grounds for a ban!'''
#'''Listen to the admins.'''  We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep a civil tone.  We're just people too, folks.
This game is about survival. Do not use this as an excuse to be terrible! All actions are recorded. The Administrators can and will ban you on sight for breaking the rules. Please read the rules in its entirety. If you need help use the "Adminhelp" command to report rule breakers. Use the "Mentorhelp" for game related questions. Remember this and you will ensure a much more enjoyable playing experience. '''DON'T BE SHIT!'''
#'''No metagaming.'''  Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server.  This effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's not fair.  Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game mechanics (''yes, deadchat counts'') is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for a fuller explanation.  '''There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the [[Metagaming]] page.'''
#'''Bigotry and sexual content is a <u>non-negotiable hard 'no'.'''</u>  If you are unsure what sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in nature. This includes erotic roleplay, which encompasses all situations which are erotic or suggestive in nature (e.g. 'spooning', making out, etc.), and not only those which are sexually explicit. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the word 'rape' in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards', 'cunts' or 'traps', using 'gay' in a derogatory manner, or using gendered slurs like "pussy" and "bitch." '''If an admin tells you to knock something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere.'''  Bigoted language (for example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text, or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or masked with misspellings or spoonerisms. This rule also extends to cover bigotry and discrimination based around a player's in-game race, species, or gender identity.
#'''Do not name your character after political or controversial figures.''' If you're unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news. Naming yourself Lise Meitner is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. '''If an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go elsewhere.'''
#'''Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form.'''  <u>This is the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation.</u>  If you get a message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on Discord and we'll talk about what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
#'''Don't carry grudges from round to round.'''  If someone was a tremendous jerk in one round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it goodbye.  If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see rule number one.
#'''Don't use multiple accounts.''' This means if you get killed in a round, you shouldn't login to a new account and rejoin the same server and start playing again. This also means that throughout your time here on Goon, you should stick to a single BYOND account. If you want to switch accounts for whatever reason, please let an admin know. You are not obligated to disclose your reason(s) for switching accounts, but you are required to share your old ckey (account name) and your new ckey. This also allows us transfer your medals and spacebux. If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise sharing an IP address for some reason, please ahelp to let us know (you only have to do this once, not every time you play). All we'll ask is that you not communicate with each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.
#'''No spoilers.'''  Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like the in-game chat or forums) and make clear that you are sharing spoilers. For the Discord specifically, refer to Discord Rule #8: "Obey Secret Content rules", in [[Rules#Discord Rules|the section below]]. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for permission from an administrator first.
#'''Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances.'''  Do not threaten to get other people banned.  This will not end well for you!
#'''End of Round Grief.'''  You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog wild!" has appeared.
#'''Communication must primarily be in English.''' Because this is fundamentally a game based around social interaction, players who do not speak a common language are isolated from the round and cannot understand communications from administrators. Players who share a language other than English should avoid excessive use so as not to exclude other players from their communication.
#'''Don't clog up the chat with low effort memes.'''  Memes are allowed, but avoid just spouting out meme phrases with no context. Saying "lol" on the Classic server is fine, saying "Skibidi Ohio Rizz" is not. Note that the RP server has a higher expectation than classic with regards to this, but you should put in some effort in both.
#'''This is not an exhaustive list.''' Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged.  If an admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really an argument.  If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a complaint.

==A quick rundown of the RULES verb==
==Roleplay Server Rules==
{{:RP Rules}}

If you type '''Rules''' ingame and press enter, you will get the following list pop up. Please pay attention to them. (Someone else tidy this shit up, I don't know how to make wikis look good but I'm tired of people going "But it doesn't say that rule on the wiki".
==Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)==
#'''Warnings aren't necessarily required.'''  Although in general the admins will do their best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment, there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
#'''Different admins have different styles.'''  Although we all follow the same general directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.  If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to complain about.  If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a complaint.
#'''There is a difference between grief and jerkery.'''  Being a jerk to people is expected and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force.  This is something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have different styles' bit will be the most relevant for.  If it's a relatively calm round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a deal.  If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15 minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth adminhelping for.  Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at least give it a try.  Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
#'''If you are a team based antagonist (Head [[Revolutionary]], [[Nuclear Operative]]) or an [[AI]], and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave.'''  You don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace you if it's necessary.
#'''Mindhacks''', '''thralls''' and other related roles have a couple of very important rules that '''must''' be followed. See [[Mindhack Rules]] for more information.
#'''Sploded Clause''' - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban.  If your ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.  These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
#'''When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go:''' If you have a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and fulfill your role (''help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't got the first clue about how to run the engine'') then use adminhelp. If your question is about game mechanics (''help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the bar / help, what does a chaplain even do'') then use mentorhelp.  If you want to complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
#'''Addendum to the above regarding prayer''':  Use prayer when 97% of the time you want to be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens and having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible.
#'''Although very few topics are expressly forbidden''', there are several topics (''politics, religion, several others'') that really, really, REALLY don't result in productive or useful conversation.  Not exactly a rule, but maybe keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments.  Just a thought.
#'''The RP server has a different ruleset''' - that's available [[RP_Rules|here]].
#'''Borgs and the AI''' have a list of things that are and are not considered human for the purposes of their laws.  That list is available [[Human|here]].
#'''Recording and streaming are both a-okay!''' For streamers, we do not require a stream delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
#'''If you DO get banned''', and you want to not be banned, please visit [http://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=4 the ban appeals forum].  Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping admins about your ban.
#'''If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately''', please visit [http://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=5 the admin complaint forum].  Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain important information you will absolutely need!
#'''If you're not sure about any of the terms used here,''' please check out the [[Terminology]] page.
#'''Space Racism is still Racism.''' Just as we do not tolerate players engaging in bigotry around out of game concepts such as race and gender identity, we have a similar prohibition on the use of ingame characteristics to "invent" new forms of bigotry. Examples of this would be: declaring that only Lizard People could join a specific department, or yelling that a Security Officer arresting a Cockroach Person was "being racist against cockroaches".
#'''Don't prolong the round unnecessarily.''' If it seems like most other people want the round to end and/or you have killed most other people as an antagonist you should not try to make the round go on forever. That means that repeated recalling of the shuttle, building automatic shuttle-recall machines and not calling the shuttle after you kill everyone else on the server are frowned upon.

==Discord Rules==
This is not an exhaustive list. These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going. Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13 folks hang out are beyond the scope of this rule set.

* Ensure your name is sensible (but we do like a good pun name). Please put a capital at the start of it otherwise byond gets a bit odd. Do not be stupid and name yourself "Syndicate Operate #3" or anything like that, or chances are you'll just end up dead quickly.
# '''No IC in OOC.''' Do not talk about the current round in any way.
* Don't murder, injure or excessively harass other players when you have been given no permission to do so.
# '''No explicit content.''' This includes avatars, images, or other messages that could be deemed pornographic, sexually charged, emotionally damaging, shocking, or repugnant.
* Do not report ingame activities in the ooc channel.
# '''Be welcoming and respectful of others.''' We do not allow any form of bigotry, racial or otherwise. Do not use slurs (such as 'retard', 'trap' when talking about a trans woman, 'nibba', or 'gay' when used in a derogatory manner), even if it's "ironic", or make jokes that are bigoted. Do not purposefully misuse pronouns - if you make a mistake, acknowledge it and move on. If someone asks to change a subject that makes them uncomfortable try to accommodate them, if reasonable. Do not repeatedly @ mention someone if they don't want to be, or @ mention people randomly.
* NEVER act on what happened during previous rounds in the current round.
# '''Be respectful of others' privacy and boundaries.''' Do not ask others for personally identifying information. Do not repeatedly ask others for information they don't want to share. If someone is making you uncomfortable, you can contact us through DMing MedicalAssistant and starting your message with ]report or ]reportanon.
* No racism, anime, furries, memes, whining, spamming, advertising, or creepiness. Even "ironically" or "roleplaying" it. No, we don't care that you're really gay / black / whatever in real life.  Don't use bigoted language.
# '''Be respectful to the admins.''' Do not impersonate an admin. If an admin asks you to knock something off, do it. This also covers "backseat moderating". Telling someone about rule 1, or another rule, would be fine, but aggressively enforcing the rules in place of the admins would not be.
* Follow instructions given by admins, and answer any questions asked by them. When PMed by an admin, click their name to respond. Do it quickly. Don't ignore admin PMs or log off when being PMed by an admin.
# '''Be respectful of the Discord server.''' Some conversation topics (including but not limited to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not take place in the channel, take it elsewhere.
* Don't tell the admins what to do, or demand that they do things.
# '''Tread carefully with joking and devil's advocate stuff.''' Do not make jokes that advocate for violence or dehumanize others. There's a fine line between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering butthead.' If someone asks you to cool it, listen.
* Don't dispute admin decisions. If they say it's not allowed, it's not allowed. The rules list is not a comprehensive set.
# ''' Obey Secret Content rules.''' Do not discuss secret content such as Adventure Zone puzzles, secret chemical recipes, or other aspects of the game which are considered secret in public channels, even if using spoiler tags. We have the #imspoiler channel for discussing secret content. You can opt in or out by reacting to the General Roles post in #opt-in-roles with a 🔇 (mute) emote. You can also share secret content over private messages, provided the person consents to you sharing the secret content.
* Never log in with more than one BYOND account during one round.
# '''Do not PM an admin regarding ban appeals.''' If you are appealing a game server ban, do not PM or @ an admin directly regarding your appeal. If you have posted an appeal, an admin will respond to it when possible. Pinging the admin who banned you or any other admin will not make the process go faster.
* If something bad happens to you, adminhelp it. Do not OOC it.
# '''No soliciting selfies.''' Under no circumstances, indirect or otherwise, are you allowed to ask other discord members for photos of themselves.
* Don't dispute the rules or complain about bans.
# '''Above all, respect Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.''' (https://discord.com/terms) (https://discord.com/guidelines) We reside pretty happily on this platform, don't ruin it for everyone!
* Don't make pointless adminhelp or prayer requests. Admins receive all adminhelps in the IRC channel, and will respond when they can. If you aren't an idiot.
* The Goonservers are light roleplay servers. Serious/hard RP is not required but Weedgoku420 will find himself in space very quickly.
* If you see a rule being broken, adminhelp it with full information - "Mark Henry is killing James in hydroponics" will likely be investigated. "zomg makr herni is griffing me" will not be.
* Memes from the internet will likely get you gibbed - "moar" "over 9000" "I can has toolbox" for example. Don't do it, even ironically.
* The rules list is not the be-all and end-all. Admin discretion will be exercised.

The '''Rules''' of the Goonservers are there to ensure an enjoyable and finely regulated RP experienggpffhfhahhahaha okay no. The rules are pretty much there so we can just weed out annoying fuckwits and other detriments to the server. I suppose the net effect of this is that the playability increases for good players after all!<br>
If you would like to contact the admin team (for forum account activation, rule breaks, or other issues) but don't want to PM them or @ them in a public channel you can send reports to @MedicalAssistant by sending a PM with either <code>]report</code> or <code>]reportanon</code> and a message. Think of it as adminhelp but for Discord!
'''Bear in mind that the rules are not enforced to the letter and only the letter!'''<br>
The spirit of the rules is what gets enforced, so things that are not on any rules list but are undoubtedly shit will still get you punished/banned, so don't go trying to lawyer your way out of being shit - it won't work and you'll look like an absolute tool to boot!

==The Rules==
If you find yourself on the wrong end of these rules and earn a ban from the server, you can appeal the ban on our forums (http://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=35). Read all the sticky threads before posting, otherwise your appeal may be denied!

====Don't Grief====
You can also find a list of our current admins here: https://forum.ss13.co/showteam.php
Injuring or killing crew, sabotaging or destroying the station, uploading AI laws allowing the AI to murder people, and otherwise fucking shit up for other players without a good reason to be doing so is considered Griefing. There is a line between greifing and permissible shenanigans, but it is subjective and up to the presiding admin to decide.<br>
What constitutes a good reason to injure, kill and destroy? One or more of the following:
* You are an enemy of the station and/or crew ([[Traitor]], [[Operative]],  [[Wizard]], [[Changeling]], [[Zombie]], [[Vampire]])
* An admin has given you permission or told you to do it.
* The guy you're killing is a [[Rules#Confirmed_Enemy_Role|confirmed]] enemy of the station (be sure before you kill!)
Note that monkeys are not enemies of the station, except in Monkey Mode.<br>
The following are '''NOT''' reasons to engage in wanton carnage:
* You think the person is AFK or logged out
* RPing a psychopath/lunatic/malfunctioning AI/anything (aka the Mad Bomber Rule)
* One or more people (including yourself) think the round is boring
* The station is a wreck/everyone's dead/everything's going to hell
* The round is about to end anyway (this ceases to be applicable once the shuttle leaves)
* Self-defense (just call security or incapacitate them - exceptions made for [[Operative]] and [[Wizard]])
* The victim has a potentially dangerous job such as [[Scientist]], [[Clown]], [[Janitor]] or [[Chemist]]
* '''NO REASON'''
* Any other reason that isn't on the list above this one

==When to Adminhelp and What to Send==
=====IC in OOC=====
Sending an adminhelp should be direct and to the point. Some key information we are looking for in adminhelps are:
Don't say anything that's going on in the current round in the OOC or Goonsay channels, especially if it's sensitive info that pertains to the round mode. Don't try to wiggle around it by tacit or cute omission either - if it gets called out as IC in OOC, then it's IC in OOC. End of story. The following are all examples of IC in OOC:
* Who did it?
* "Help, the traitor's killing me!"
* What did they do?
* "I hate wet floors."
* "Who are those guys in the red suits?"
* "My screen went black, what happened?"
* "Oh god, Killer Tomatoes in Cargo Bay!"
Consider that people are not so stupid as you think - more info can be discerned from a statement than just the words alone. "I hate wet floors" may look innocuous, but it more than likely states that you just slipped over, and the [[Janitor]] is presumably at fault.<br>
Exceptions will be made in some circumstances, mostly when the info given pertains entirely to yourself and no other players, and/or you need help with something. For example:<br>
'''"I'm the AI!"''' - This is fine. Pretty pointless, but fine.<br>
'''"I'm the Wizard!"''' - Not ok. Other players don't know it's Wizard mode, so you gave away round information.<br>
'''"I'm the AI, how do I open doors?"''' - Fine, and encouraged - if you don't know how to play something normal, asking in OOC can get you pointed to the information you need more often than not. The [[AI]] is a normal job present in most rounds, so the players pretty much expect one to be present - thus announcing the presence of one doesn't leak any sensitive info.  Since OOC is now off during the game by default, general non-spoilery gameplay questions like this can be asked over the radio.<br>
'''"What does Knock do?"''' - Not ok. Again, you leaked the round mode by stating a Wizard spell, even if it was for a fairly innocent purpose. If you need info on something unusual, look it up on the wiki or [[mentorhelp]] it - don't OOC it!

=====OOC in IC=====
Even if you think someone else may have already sent an adminhelp, you should still send an adminhelp over rule breaks. We would rather get four reports about the same issue than zero! You should also adminhelp if you aren't sure whether something is a rule break or not. Something may not be a rule break directly, but may indicate a pattern of near rule breaks.
OOC in IC comes up less often and isn't as bad of an offense as IC in OOC, but it's still not allowed for reason that it's pretty dumb. However, this goes beyond just words - using any information gleaned from outside the round itself is forbidden. This is kind of difficult to come up with examples for given how rarely this comes up, but the main application we see is grudging.<br>
To give an example of Grudging, lets say Jimmy Poo kills you one round and it turned out he wasn't the traitor - that shouldn't have happened, but perhaps he slipped through the admin's fingers in one way or another. It happens. Or maybe it was a special situation(god told him to do it, he was a rev that was dereved or maybe the killer wasn't the real Jimmy Poo). Next round, you hunt down and kill Jimmy Poo because he killed you last round - this is not okay! Each round is it's own round, and nothing from past rounds should factor into it.<br>
Another OOC in IC issue is using IC in OOC information. For an example, Jimmy Poo kills the captain, and the captain OOCs that. Do not use this as a reason to arrest/kill Jimmy Poo.<br>
Also while saying "I was afk" usually isn't frowned upon, using OOC parentheses, such as "((I was afk))" or even worse, "((lol i'm new))" is not allowed.

====Don't Be a Bigot/Creep====
Bigotry of any form isn't acceptable on the servers. This includes all "in character" communication or actions—don't roleplay a homophobe, racist, sexist, or otherwise bigot. At minimum you will receive a warning or be gibbed, and if you do not stop, you could be permanently banned. There is no acceptable excuse for using bigoted language. We don't care if you are gay, black, Latina/o, etc. in real life—don't use bigoted language, period. This also applies to names, including spoonerisms (e.g. "Digger Nick").
Creepiness is also unacceptable. This includes rape jokes or roleplaying sex, sexual harassment/assault, or rape. Basically, if it involves your genitals, it doesn't belong here.  You will be banned for any of these.
====Don't Multikey====
Using more than one account per round to play is forbidden. This is most often done when a player dies, so that they can hop on another account and just avoid being dead - death is death! Once you're dead, you're out of the round until you're revived/respawned or the next round comes about. Don't try to lie about it - we'll know.<br>
If you have siblings or friends who are playing on different computers in the same house/network, please adminhelp it so there's no risk of you being accidentally banned as a multikeyer. Please note that even in these instances, using multiple accounts from the same computer is not allowed.
====Don't Shit up Chat Channels====
In any of the chat channels, ingame or otherwise, don't do any of the following:
* Talk about BYOND Medals
* Make anime faces (O_O >_> XD and so forth, but faces like =) and :S are okay)
* Talk about anything to do with anime, japan or furries
* Be bigoted, creepy, whiny, annoying or needlessly hostile - doing these "ironically" is entirely at your own risk
* Argue like a prick with other players (if you can somehow argue and NOT look like a prick, that's fine)
* Asking the admins to do things ("Let's have an alien round!" or the like)
* Acting like an attention whore in OOC or on Goonstation-related chat/forums, especially if you got banned
* Spam anything
* Advertise anything
* Constantly spam announcements such as the payroll
The last one is kind of metagamey. Spamming "JIMMY POO KILLED ME HES THE TRAITOR" over and over will get you banned in short order - saying it at all will probably get you a slap at the least. However, being obtuse and spooky like a stereotypical ghost such as saying "Beware the shitty one" is fine.
====Don't Metagame====
Don't operate with information you 'shouldn't' have or otherwise cheat the roundtype - clarification and more information [[Rules#Metagaming|here]].
====Don't Piss off the Admins====
Somewhat subjective between admins, but doing anything that will piss them off is against the rules. This includes more direct applications such as arguing with admins, being snarky or irritating, and otherwise getting up in our faces about shit - this also includes less direct things such as taking doing anything remotely animey such as naming your character something japanese or "ironically" roleplaying a racist. This varies between admin to admin, but generally if it's not completely shit you won't get in trouble over it.
====Don't Not Read the Rules====
Admitting or otherwise displaying in any way that you didn't read the rules (including breaking them) is shit and will get you punished. This obviously comes up with it's own examples so there's no need to elaborate any further! This also extends to complaining that the rules are dumb or wrong.
==Breakin' da Law==
Oh dear, it looks like you decided to completely ignore the rules like a complete jackass! What will happen if you break the rules? One or more of the following:
Simply being told to quit what you're doing ingame, either by direct PM or a "voice in your head". Disobeying this is a pretty bad idea - you'll probably get punished harder if you ignore a warning.
Rarely used, but extant nonetheless. Muting just stops you from talking, both on ingame channels and in OOC/Goonsay. Normally used on people running their mouths in some way that isn't bannable.
Your character will be sent to the Punishment Dimension, where an admin (should) contact you shortly to interrogate you. Generally this is just a holding area and not a punishment in and of itself - if you can satisfy the admin that you weren't being shit, you'll be returned to the station. If not, banning will likely follow.<br>
If you ever get sent here and an explanation or interrogation doesn't occur after a few minutes, adminhelp it.<br>
====Death and/or Humiliation====
Usually reserved for things which are shit but not quite bannable, such as incessantly whining or doing a great impression of [[Virus|The Serious]]. If you're not reduced to a pile of mushy gibs or struck dead on the spot you can expect to be made fat, stupid, a lizard, or other horrible things such as Centcom marking you for the crew to beat down. In these cases, bemoaning your fate will only make things worse.
====Job Ban====
Usually reserved for piss-poor performances in certain jobs (usually the more sensitive ones such as [[Captain]] or [[AI]]), this will prevent you from playing as the banned job until your ban is lifted. You can also be job banned from things that aren't quite jobs but are important, such as Traitor, Wizard, etc.<br>
If you don't like playing as certain jobs so much that you don't even want the risk of being randomly selected for them, you can request a job ban on the jobs you really don't want to be. Requested job bans are not punitive measures, so don't worry about them becoming a black mark against you or anything like that.
====Server Ban====
Makes you unable to log onto the server until the ban expires. Pretty self-explanatory.<br>
Permabans will never expire - they're reserved for the worst offenses.
==Things to Know==
Finally, just some general pointers and advice on the rules and adminnery in general.
====Warnings Aren't Required====
Don't complain that you didn't get a warning before being hit with punishment. If you're being sufficiently shit or breaking rules then it's obvious you didn't read them - ignorance of THE LAW is no excuse!
====Different Admins have Different Styles====
Some admins enforce some rules more harshly than others. None of the admin crew really has much of a problem with this for the most part, unless permabans are being handed out like it's banmas and Banta Claus is in town. You should never break any of the rules of course, but if you do then don't whine that you were on the receiving end of a less lenient admin's wrath when you did.
====Punishments are Case by Case====
How much someone else got punished for the same offense is of no relevance to your own punishment. Unless there's a flagrant difference between the two (example: Jimmy Poo got 30 minutes for hitting someone with an extinguisher, and you got a permaban)
====What to do about Admin Bullshit====
[http://autisticpowers.info/ss13/forum/index.php The Appeal Forum] exists so that we can detect any badmin activity going on and put a stop to it before we start losing good players. If you think you were banned or otherwise punished with shitty reasoning (or if you think someone else's treatment was bullshit) then go to the [http://autisticpowers.info/ss13/forum/viewforum.php?f=2 Unban Appeals] section for requesting your ban be overturned, or the [http://autisticpowers.info/ss13/forum/viewforum.php?f=3 Admin Complaints] section for calling out any other bullshit.<br>
Bear in mind that your definition of bullshit may vary wildly from that of others - your circumstances will be called as what they are! Also '''read the forum rules''' or you'll be subjected to a viciously ego-shattering drubbing.
====Hilarity Clause====
Oft cited but seldom used these days. The Hilarity Clause basically goes that if you make a transgression against the rules but do so in a manner which is sufficiently entertaining or funny, you'll receive no punishment for your actions. Bear in mind that "funny" is entirely relative and it is purely up to the admins to decide if you were funny enough or not - also bear in mind that we've seen many things a lot of times before. If you're going to shoot for this rule, be original. Copycatting someone else's shtick won't end well for you.
====Sploded Clause====
If you are and have been a consistently terrible player for a long time, the admins can ban you purely based your history alone and do not need any further excuse or cause. The enforcement of this rule generally requires several admins to be in agreement that you are utter shit before taking any action, so you essentially have to be shit for a very long time and get on a lot of people's nerves before this will become applicable.<br>
Named after Sploded, aka Dr. Von Overdose, a terminally shitty player who would constantly grief and fuck things up for other players while adminhelping anything that happened to him. ''This is not something to be proud of!''
====Lord Doom Clause====
The rules do not apply to Lord Doom. This works both ways.<br>
He can do anything he wants to you, but on the other hand you can also do anything you want to him with no fear of consequences. This ''only'' applies to Lord Doom and never anyone else.
====My Little Pony Clause====
Unless you turn out to actually be a 6 year old girl, visiting a Goonstation server with a character name from the My Little Pony series or in some other way alluding to your love of said television series will result in moderate to high levels of admin abuse followed by a ban of varying length. It's fine that you really like a television show but if you are unable to express yourself without referring to people as ponies, these are not the servers for you to be playing on.
==Rules Clarifications==
===Confirmed Enemy Role===
A '''confirmed enemy role''' is someone who:
* is caught with their own unlocked [[traitor]] PDA
* is named an obvious [[syndicate]] name like funkworks head or the like
* is a [[changeling]] confirmed with either a blood test or you, personally, saw them do something changeling-y
* is obviously a [[wizard]] (wearing wizard clothes, casting spells, etc etc)
* has [[Syndicate Items|traitor gear]] with their fingerprints on it (or no fingerprints at all if they're wearing gloves) and no believable story as to how they got it
A confirmed enemy role is NOT someone who:
* hits you with a [[Fire_Extinguisher]] and farts in your face
* picked up an emag that has like six other dudes' fingerprints on it (but now you have a list of people to hunt down and [[detective|interrogate]])
* gets pointed at in the [[centcom|centcom report]] - those are guesses, and are often wrong!
* says [[Dumb_Pubbies|IM A TRATER LOL]] on the radio. Come on.
* really pisses you off like way bad oh my god that guy is such an asshole can we just kill him already
If they're not a confirmed enemy role, don't murder them! Yes, [[Chef]], this means you, you can't just gib anyone who you can find. Stop stuffing living people in the fucking gibber argh
'''Metagaming''' has two distinct but equally shitty definitions here.  First, '''don't use information you 'shouldn't' have or otherwise break the round'''.  Here are some examples (not an exhaustive list):
* Rushing the Syndicate shuttle to steal the nuke as soon as you figure out it's a nuke round
* Tearing around the station stealing all the flashes as a head or security officer on the off chance it's a revolution round.  Note that this is probably okay to do once you've figured out it's a rev round, but stealing the flashes 'just in case' is shit.
* Rushing the Wizard's shuttle to peek in the window and see if it's a wizard round right at the beginning.
If you're an important role - like the [[AI]], one of the [[Heads]], or [[Alien|one]] [[Changeling|of]] [[Operative|the]] [[Revolutionary|various]] [[Traitor|enemy]] [[Wizard|player]] [[Vampire|roles]] - and you have to log out, please [[adminhelp]] it beforehand just so we know.
Second, '''don't talk to other players of the game outside of it'''.  Chatting on Skype with your bros is OK, chatting on Skype with your bros when you're both playing on the same server is not.  A huge part of the gameplay of SS13 hinges on lies and deception, and that goes all to hell when you've effectively got two pairs of eyes and ears.  If you want to communicate with another player, use the radio, PDA messaging, or the mail system (nobody uses the mail system).  Sure, we don't know what other programs you're running, but when one players starts getting robusted, and another one IMMEDIATELY comes to his rescue when not a word was spoken and the second person had no way to know the attack was happening - yeah it's not hard to tell what's up.  Don't do this, it's one of the only ways possible to really CHEAT and it's shitty as hell.

Revision as of 02:52, 17 June 2024

ClownNew64.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em! HeadOfSecurityHatless-64x64.png

The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

General Game Rules

  1. Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping, crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that explodes, lube smokes, placing radioactive flooring, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than 10 minutes for a normal player to fix, or you're intentionally creating an indiscriminate hazard (especially in a high-traffic area), it is covered by this rule. If someone is confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists and emagged cyborgs may ignore this rule whenever they want to. Mindhacks and thralls may ignore this rule when their orders contradict it- see Mindhack Rules. Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals unless they have purposefully retreated there after previously roaming the station, and even then, only if you or they are an antagonist.
  2. Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
  3. No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the Metagaming page.
  4. Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in nature. This includes erotic roleplay, which encompasses all situations which are erotic or suggestive in nature (e.g. 'spooning', making out, etc.), and not only those which are sexually explicit. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the word 'rape' in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards', 'cunts' or 'traps', using 'gay' in a derogatory manner, or using gendered slurs like "pussy" and "bitch." If an admin tells you to knock something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text, or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or masked with misspellings or spoonerisms. This rule also extends to cover bigotry and discrimination based around a player's in-game race, species, or gender identity.
  5. Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news. Naming yourself Lise Meitner is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go elsewhere.
  6. Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on Discord and we'll talk about what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
  7. Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see rule number one.
  8. Don't use multiple accounts. This means if you get killed in a round, you shouldn't login to a new account and rejoin the same server and start playing again. This also means that throughout your time here on Goon, you should stick to a single BYOND account. If you want to switch accounts for whatever reason, please let an admin know. You are not obligated to disclose your reason(s) for switching accounts, but you are required to share your old ckey (account name) and your new ckey. This also allows us transfer your medals and spacebux. If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise sharing an IP address for some reason, please ahelp to let us know (you only have to do this once, not every time you play). All we'll ask is that you not communicate with each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.
  9. No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like the in-game chat or forums) and make clear that you are sharing spoilers. For the Discord specifically, refer to Discord Rule #8: "Obey Secret Content rules", in the section below. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for permission from an administrator first.
  10. Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other people banned. This will not end well for you!
  11. End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog wild!" has appeared.
  12. Communication must primarily be in English. Because this is fundamentally a game based around social interaction, players who do not speak a common language are isolated from the round and cannot understand communications from administrators. Players who share a language other than English should avoid excessive use so as not to exclude other players from their communication.
  13. Don't clog up the chat with low effort memes. Memes are allowed, but avoid just spouting out meme phrases with no context. Saying "lol" on the Classic server is fine, saying "Skibidi Ohio Rizz" is not. Note that the RP server has a higher expectation than classic with regards to this, but you should put in some effort in both.
  14. This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a complaint.

Roleplay Server Rules

The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. Therefore, make very sure that you follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

  1. Make an effort to roleplay. Play a coherent, believable character. Playing a violent or racist character is not allowed. Play your character as though they wish to keep their job at Nanotrasen. This includes listening to security and the chain of command and, if you are a member of command, taking your job as a leader seriously in-character. Only minor crime is permitted for non-antagonists. Avoid memes (e.g. sus, pog, amogus), txt spk (e.g. lol, wtf), and out of game terminology when you are playing your character. LOOC is available if you need to communicate out of character. In addition, if you notice a character who is Afk/disconnected, please do not attack or mess with them beyond taking them to cryo.
  2. Escalate through roleplay before attacking other players. The goal of the roleplay server is character interaction and interesting scenarios. Both crew and antagonists are expected to roleplay escalation before engaging in hostilities. As an antagonist, your goal is to increase, not decrease, roleplay opportunities. Give people a sense of dread, an obvious motive, or some means of roleplaying and reacting, before you harm them. As security, your priority is the crew’s safety and maintaining the peace. You should treat criminals fairly and determine appropriate consequences for their actions. Enemies to Nanotrasen such as confirmed non-human antagonists and open syndicate members may be treated harshly.
  3. After you’ve selected a job, be sure to stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task first. As an example, breaking into medical and treating yourself when there are medical staff present is not okay. Choosing captain just to go and work the genetics machine all round is not acceptable.
  4. As an antagonist you are free to kill and grief, provided you escalate per rule 2. You are not required to be evil, but you do have a broad toolset to push the round forward and make things exciting. Treat your role as an interesting challenge and not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experiences. Your objectives do not allow you to ignore any rule, RP or otherwise. As an antagonist, you are not protected against being murdered or griefed, but it is expected that the crew roleplays and does not kill you just for the sake of killing an antagonist.
  5. Do not use out of game information in game. Only use in-game information; the things your character can perceive or could know. While we have no hard rule on what a character can and cannot know, be reasonable about your character’s knowledge and capabilities. Do not call out antagonists based on information that is only obvious as a player. For example, the drowsiness effects on your screen are not a good in-character basis to call out a changeling. The debris and adventure zones are for enhancing roleplay. Rushing through them for the sake of items alone is prohibited. It is reasonable for the crew to assume people with syndicate gear such as red space suits are antagonists. Anything learned as a ghost is considered OOC knowledge.
  6. Be kind to other players. Be respectful and considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. Do not use LOOC or other means of communication to put down other players or accuse them of rulebreaking. If your problem with another player extends to rulebreaking, press F1 to contact the admins. It is your responsibility to respect the boundaries of others when you RP. If you feel uncomfortable, or worry that people are uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to use LOOC to communicate. Furthermore, do not advantage your friends in game or exclude others from roleplaying opportunities without good cause.
  7. These rules are extra rules for the roleplay server. The core rules still apply to the roleplay server. Do not argue with the administration about the RP rules or core rules.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

  1. Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment, there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
  2. Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others. If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a complaint.
  3. There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15 minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
  4. If you are a team based antagonist (Head Revolutionary, Nuclear Operative) or an AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace you if it's necessary.
  5. Mindhacks, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules that must be followed. See Mindhack Rules for more information.
  6. Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you. These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
  7. When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
  8. Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use prayer when 97% of the time you want to be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens and having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible.
  9. Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics (politics, religion, several others) that really, really, REALLY don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
  10. The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
  11. Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
  12. Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
  13. If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping admins about your ban.
  14. If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain important information you will absolutely need!
  15. If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the Terminology page.
  16. Space Racism is still Racism. Just as we do not tolerate players engaging in bigotry around out of game concepts such as race and gender identity, we have a similar prohibition on the use of ingame characteristics to "invent" new forms of bigotry. Examples of this would be: declaring that only Lizard People could join a specific department, or yelling that a Security Officer arresting a Cockroach Person was "being racist against cockroaches".
  17. Don't prolong the round unnecessarily. If it seems like most other people want the round to end and/or you have killed most other people as an antagonist you should not try to make the round go on forever. That means that repeated recalling of the shuttle, building automatic shuttle-recall machines and not calling the shuttle after you kill everyone else on the server are frowned upon.

Discord Rules

This is not an exhaustive list. These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going. Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13 folks hang out are beyond the scope of this rule set.

  1. No IC in OOC. Do not talk about the current round in any way.
  2. No explicit content. This includes avatars, images, or other messages that could be deemed pornographic, sexually charged, emotionally damaging, shocking, or repugnant.
  3. Be welcoming and respectful of others. We do not allow any form of bigotry, racial or otherwise. Do not use slurs (such as 'retard', 'trap' when talking about a trans woman, 'nibba', or 'gay' when used in a derogatory manner), even if it's "ironic", or make jokes that are bigoted. Do not purposefully misuse pronouns - if you make a mistake, acknowledge it and move on. If someone asks to change a subject that makes them uncomfortable try to accommodate them, if reasonable. Do not repeatedly @ mention someone if they don't want to be, or @ mention people randomly.
  4. Be respectful of others' privacy and boundaries. Do not ask others for personally identifying information. Do not repeatedly ask others for information they don't want to share. If someone is making you uncomfortable, you can contact us through DMing MedicalAssistant and starting your message with ]report or ]reportanon.
  5. Be respectful to the admins. Do not impersonate an admin. If an admin asks you to knock something off, do it. This also covers "backseat moderating". Telling someone about rule 1, or another rule, would be fine, but aggressively enforcing the rules in place of the admins would not be.
  6. Be respectful of the Discord server. Some conversation topics (including but not limited to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not take place in the channel, take it elsewhere.
  7. Tread carefully with joking and devil's advocate stuff. Do not make jokes that advocate for violence or dehumanize others. There's a fine line between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering butthead.' If someone asks you to cool it, listen.
  8. Obey Secret Content rules. Do not discuss secret content such as Adventure Zone puzzles, secret chemical recipes, or other aspects of the game which are considered secret in public channels, even if using spoiler tags. We have the #imspoiler channel for discussing secret content. You can opt in or out by reacting to the General Roles post in #opt-in-roles with a 🔇 (mute) emote. You can also share secret content over private messages, provided the person consents to you sharing the secret content.
  9. Do not PM an admin regarding ban appeals. If you are appealing a game server ban, do not PM or @ an admin directly regarding your appeal. If you have posted an appeal, an admin will respond to it when possible. Pinging the admin who banned you or any other admin will not make the process go faster.
  10. No soliciting selfies. Under no circumstances, indirect or otherwise, are you allowed to ask other discord members for photos of themselves.
  11. Above all, respect Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. (https://discord.com/terms) (https://discord.com/guidelines) We reside pretty happily on this platform, don't ruin it for everyone!

If you would like to contact the admin team (for forum account activation, rule breaks, or other issues) but don't want to PM them or @ them in a public channel you can send reports to @MedicalAssistant by sending a PM with either ]report or ]reportanon and a message. Think of it as adminhelp but for Discord!

If you find yourself on the wrong end of these rules and earn a ban from the server, you can appeal the ban on our forums (http://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=35). Read all the sticky threads before posting, otherwise your appeal may be denied!

You can also find a list of our current admins here: https://forum.ss13.co/showteam.php

When to Adminhelp and What to Send

Sending an adminhelp should be direct and to the point. Some key information we are looking for in adminhelps are:

  • Who did it?
  • What did they do?

Even if you think someone else may have already sent an adminhelp, you should still send an adminhelp over rule breaks. We would rather get four reports about the same issue than zero! You should also adminhelp if you aren't sure whether something is a rule break or not. Something may not be a rule break directly, but may indicate a pattern of near rule breaks.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · HoS Guidelines · Metagaming · Grief · Mindhack Rules · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws