Guide to Zoldorf

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Before You Become The Mighty Wizard!

Zoldorf is effectively an ascended observer. Your role as a Zoldorf is to use the vast amounts of information you have access to and weave fortunes for players in order to give them a clue as to what is happening and who is responsible (if you chose to do so).

Zoldorf is NOT an antagonist and doesn't have the heaviest impact on the round on it's own, but through skilled timing and communication, a Zoldorf player can overcome the imposed communication barriers and possibly change the course of the round.

Becoming Zoldorf

Zoldorf's Abilities


Seance Ghosts

Selling Your Soul

Zoldorf's Shop

Item Image Cost Description Notes
Deck of Tarot Cards
25 Credit A deck of tarot cards. I told you Zoldorf likes cards :D
Playing Card Tips and Tricks
1 Credit An informational sheet that explains the intent combinations for using playing cards. Zoldorf really likes cards i guess...
Selling Your Soul 101
1 Credit An informational sheet covering the effects of selling your soul!
Weird Burrito
100 Credits This is a totally normal burrito that is 100% normal. Yep. Totally.

Gameplay Tips

Communicating With Zoldorf

Communicating As Zoldorf